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03/28/17 03:47 PM #3802    


Stephen Hatchett

Eagles:  Lets hear a shout-out for Rachel Carson!  When we were kids, bald eagles were all but extinct in the lower 48. Pesticides like DDT built up in their bodies, and their egg shells were too weak to hold a chick for full incubation.  We owe  Rachel Carson.  I think she would surely want us to pay it forward in facing today's environmental challenges!

03/28/17 05:07 PM #3803    


Jack Mallory

Liberty and Justice are different eagles, currently nesting a couple of eaglets elsewhere in DC. Lasy year's eaglets from this nest are DC1 and DC2, current whereabouts unknown but still 3-4 years from reproductive maturity. They're the ones I posted pix of last year. 

The eaglet in the egg currently hatching should be fully hatched by tomorrow. The other egg will be about 4 days later. 

Anyone interested in following this nest, google D.C. eagle cam. 

And ditto Stephen. I don't understand how anyone could watch the eagle population recovering and not appreciate the value of continued environmental research and regulation. Same with watching pelicans come back on the west coast, or seeing the recovery of the Potomac and the Chesapeake Bay.

03/28/17 07:59 PM #3804    


Jack Mallory

Ok, here we go!

03/28/17 08:58 PM #3805    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Yes Stephen, good point about Rachel Carson. It's easy to forget how important she was. Ironic isn't it that we're watching this little eaglet hatch from a species which was once considered a goner on the exact day that DT signs another of his little executive orders stripping more of our enviornmental protections. Fortunately the first half of it will not bring back coal jobs - remember, nobody wants coal when natural gas is cheaper. The second part will be fought in the courts till long after his presidency is a distant memory. 

03/28/17 09:40 PM #3806    


Jack Mallory

Joan--how about we keep the EPA building as a "memorial." Let it sit, windows shuttered, a "closed by order of President Donald Trump" sign across the entrance, on into the future. As temperatures and sea levels rise, as storms and floods increase in frequency and severity, as species become extinct, let the world remember his presidency. 

03/29/17 07:54 AM #3807    


Jack Mallory




03/29/17 10:03 AM #3808    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Take your burning love for nature & the environment & move within the private sector to raise funds for environmental causes, organize marches promoting tax credits to private companies who prioritize environmental regulations, states awareness programs to save local natural resources. Are Americans really helpless without the Fed or just totally dependent on it? 

03/29/17 10:38 AM #3809    


Glen Hirose


Haven’t been able to get a glimpse of the 1st Eaglet yet; from Jack’s image it looks like a lint ball from our dryer…It is a lint ball!  I also went to the “Name the Eaglet List” and just couldn’t find an appropriate name so I came up with “Amazon Prime” and “Under Armor” if it’s a boy.  I’m trying to get ahead of the curve here; corporations, petroleum conglomerates, multinational banking concerns, political pacs, and Papa John’s Pizza; they are becoming the relevant names.

Wonder if it’s too late to change “Lilly” to “Eli Lilly”?


03/29/17 02:51 PM #3810    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

I don't need to be lectured about giving to environmental causes. Been doing it for years and to multiple worthy organizations. But when that money has to be used to fight in court the attempts being made by this administration to pollute our air (cutting back on regulations of CO2 emissions) and our water (allowing industries free reign to pollute our rivers) and our land (allowing strip coal mining and pipelines) you have to wonder if that money wouldn't have been better spent outside the courtroom. Today's reality is, that's where my money will go. NRDC is certainly one of the strongest resisters to the Trump agenda as is the Environmental Defense Fund. 

As far as job creation goes, I understand that thousands of government employees in Washington will soon be out in the streets along with my son looking for jobs. Guess those statistics will all be offset by the thousand of jobs that will be created for coal miners. Raise your hand if you're "tired of winning". 

Meanwhile DC3 (sorry I got the names wrong) is peeping adorably and can even hold up his head!  I just wonder when they're going to feed him some of that fly-infested fish sitting there!


03/29/17 03:57 PM #3811    


Jack Mallory

I suppose we could rely completely on the private sector and local organizing to do environmental research and protect the environment. Here in Penacook, local citizens could (?) research environmental hazards, how/where they are produced, how they might be mitigated. We could write letters to the coal companies, petro-chemical corporations, agribusinesses, asking them to please stop polluting. We could even have marches. Boscawen could do the same, as could Gilmanton . . .  Go completely local, private, not have the EPA, Department of Energy, any part of the federal government involved. I'm sure Peabody, Exxon Mobil, Monsanto would be responsive. 

We could also, I suppose, do the same thing with national defense. The Penacook Militia, LLC, The Boscawen Militia, Inc, Gilmanton Town Self Defense Corporation. That would allow us to get rid of the entire US military. Ditto retirement planning--go local and private (chuck out Social Security); medical care for seniors and the poor (get rid of that damn Medicare and Medicaid); local, for-profit corporations could build roads (shitcan the costly national highway system). And all of this would allow us to get rid of most taxes. Private individuals would pay for their own defense, bear the risks of their own retirement, pay for their own medical care in old age, pay tolls for all road travel. Demonstrate our strength and independence from the Feds!

But the environment, like health and defense, is a national issue. There is no Penacook air, or Lewes water. It's American air and water. Actually, it's an international issue. The air and water in China today are in the US tomorrow. 

But the American environment is an issue for the American government--the federal government. Our government was designed "to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare  . . .".* Seems like justice, tranquility, and the general welfare might all be promoted by keeping pollutants out of our air, water, and the ground. Hell, the common defense might benefit as well, given rising sea-level (as the US Navy believes) risks to ports and naval bases. Government can provide benefits of scale in both organizing and economizing; why have thousands of communities try to negotiate a decent environment with for-profit corporations when we have a government that is intended to do just that job for all of us?

* Preamble to the Constitution

03/29/17 04:49 PM #3812    


Robert Hall

I always marvel at how well, if incredibly inefficiently, our constitutional government works. The beauty of the short terms of House of Representatives members is already being shown. The current majority members, having catered to and pandered to the fears of "Obamacare" to get elected and, while trying to kill it, have actually focused the public's interest on what the ACA has accomplished. Imperfect yes, but still a tremendous improvement on what went before and what Ryan proposed to replace it. But they have to get reelected in 2018 so now, as reported in the Washington Post today, Kansas, Virginia and North Carolina have momentum to expand their Medicaid programs under Obamacare despite refusing to do so just last year. And other diehard southern red states are wondering why they should continue to thumb their nose at our last president when their own citizens would benefit from expanded Medicaid. Certainly better than federal block grants to the states.
For everyone who values the Chesapeake Bay, please let your congressman/woman know that killing all federal funds as DT proposes is just plain ignorant. The bay and it's tributaries are finally showing improvement due to the coordinated efforts of six states under the current federal program.

03/29/17 05:59 PM #3813    


Jack Mallory

Robert comments on the suprising effectiveness of our compromise form of government. Mr. Bryant explained it to us:

The founders, originally committted to a very weak central government after their experiences with King George, found themselves forced to create something more effective.The government, under the Articles of Confederation, didn't have the power to defend the nation, put down revolts, or mediate relationships and control conflicts among the states.

Hence, the Constitution, which tried to create a government that did have such power but was still restrained in its ability to limit personal freedoms. A Goldilocks solution--not TOO much power, not TOO little power, but a JUST RIGHT amount of power. So, we have nearly 230 years of not very EFFECTIVE government, but not excessively CONTROLLING government. Guaranteed to make everybody grumpy, but is there a better way? Probably. Possible to change it? Yes. Difficult to change it? Yes. See Article V.


Glen--Mallards, or at least a couple of them, are back. I think they may be reluctant to hang out in still iced-over water; the ice has finally pretty much completely cleared on the Contoocook. Mr. Mallard doesn't seem completely happy with the river, even now:



Joan--DC 3 is eating now. I'd post a picture, but it's just about dinner time here on the east coast and the couple of fish carcasses lying around the nest are pretty gross! Flies are already buzzing. 


New Hampshire just named best state in the nation to retire in; despite being rated as 5th worst in the nation for weather! The positives must be very positive (I love it here), because we're due for 6-9 inches of snow Friday night and Saturday

But that does remind me! Nora, no need to worry. The Appalachian Mountain Club and the Sierra Club have been getting my $ for years. The Feds have been getting my tax $ for years, and one thing I want done with it is environmental protection. 

03/29/17 06:53 PM #3814    


Glen Hirose

Fly covered fish; must be an exceptional source of omega-3 fatty acids.  I'm sure Andrew Zimmern would give it a try; after all he loves maggot infested cheese.



Mr. Mallard is looking a bit forlorned; he must not have been aware of the 5th worst weather thing...

03/29/17 08:17 PM #3815    


Jack Mallory

Hope everyone has had their dinner. Here's dinner at the Eagle household. Mom feeds kid, dad feeds mom. Pick of the Potomac; or maybe Anacostia au Naturale. You can tell it's fresh; it's still flip-flopping.


03/29/17 10:29 PM #3816    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

On second thought, maybe a course in Anger Management would be more useful. 

03/30/17 06:31 AM #3817    


Jack Mallory

Jerry--be interested in hearing your comments on this.

An excellent example of why there must be a federal agency to control environmental contaminants. It wouldn't do much good for Penacook to ban chlorpyrifos if Contoocook, upstream and/or up-wind, doesn't. True regardless of the wisdom of Pruitt's decision to advantage the desires of Dow Chemical over risks to children and farm workers in this particular case. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/29/us/politics/epa-insecticide-chlorpyrifos.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share)


And an excellent op-ed piece on support for NEH/NEA, with a great drop-the-mike line about Lysistrata. Look it up if you don't get it!


03/30/17 01:15 PM #3818    


Stephen Hatchett

Jack, that is a great NY Times article about the importance of humanities in this world.  The URL is


Or google "nytimes trump vs big bird"

Loved the "Lysistrata" reference. Thank goodness I had a "Great Books" course at U o Mich. It was all ancient Greek lit and the Aeneid, and  included several of Aristophanes'  plays.  I don't think I realized until this AM just how much reading, and talking and writing about, those works has changed me:)

03/30/17 02:21 PM #3819    


Jack Mallory

Ain't it great to get a chuckle out of a reference to something 2000 years old? It's like my vets' Iliad reading group, where there's several of us in terrible suspense, waiting to find out why Achilleus rejoins the battle in Book XVIII! 


2nd eaglet just hatched, carrying a poster in its beak saying, "Save the EPA!"

03/30/17 03:50 PM #3820    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Yes! Lysistrata was required reading & analysis in my Theatre classes at U of MD a hundred years ago. I remember my initial reaction was somewhat as you described, Jack. T'was quite a connection to the distant, comedic past but remains (arguably?) the most effective way to end war as an option! 

Btw, at risk of insulting Joan yet again, may I remind her (& all) that though SHE may feel lectured, there may be OTHERS reading this blog who have never considered becoming active in environmental issues. As retirees, often we have more time on our hands than we know what to do with. And, surprising as it may be, the intention was not to lecture or insult, but to point out an area which will need renewed attention over the next few years. Every administration, including this one, leaves holes to fill since priorities change. It doesn't mean that Republicans hate the environment any more than it means Democrats hate the military. Unlike the ongoing hysteria narrative of extinct species, polluted bays, filthy drinking water & poisonous air, I believe our country can focus more economically on the military, the border, homeland security, infrastructure, etc, & still survive. 

Bird lovers: spent the morning watching three tiny new Sandpipers scurry down the beach behind their mom & dad...all busy either fluttering in the surf or poking their beaks deep into the sand for breakfast bits. Thanks to your photos, Jack, I took on renewed interest in this little family. Unfortunately, a sizeable hawk appeared from nowhere, scooped up a baby & amazingly, mom & dad never seemed to notice. And then there were two. 

03/30/17 07:04 PM #3821    


Jack Mallory

I presume that a person who has read and understood Lysistrata is an intelligent and educated person. How can an intelligent and educated person dismiss species extinction and the pollution of water and air as an "hysteria narrative?"

We've been talking about birds. Over 400 of the 1154 bird species in the US, Mexico, and Canada are considered to be at risk of extinction.  Bald eagles, Common Loons, and Great Blue Herons, among my favorite local birds, are all considered to be at risk from global warming, habitat destruction, and toxic environmental chemicals. I try not to do hysterical; frightened that my children and theirs might grow up without these and other wonderful animals--sandpipers, perhaps?--yes.

Estimates are that about a QUARTER OF A BILLION POUNDS of toxic chemicals are discharged into rivers in the US every year, including a million and a half pounds of carcinogens and nearly a million pounds of chemicals tied to reproductive problems and developmental disorders. Explain to the parents of a developmentally delayed child that they're just being hysterical. 

Industrial chemicals linked to cancer and other health issues exceed safety levels in the drinking water of 6 million Americans. Explain to the parents of a child in Flint, MI that they're just being hysterical about their children drinking and bathing in lead contaminated water. 

Half the population of the United States breathes air polluted enough to cause health problems. Explain to parents of a child with pollution-induced asthma that they're just being hysterical.

"Hysteria narrative?"



03/30/17 09:00 PM #3822    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Too bad there isn't a political party whose policies cover ALL our country's needs, Jack. Bummer! 

Fortunately, trying to create jobs, protect our citizens, enact tax reform, support law enforcement, cover healthcare, strengthen the military, & build infrastructure ain't too shabby an agenda for this administration. But don't fret -- twixt the strong resistance by both parties, coupled with a biased media, he'll most likely never get these things done anyway. 

Incidentally, placing an inordinate amount of importance on one's standard of education can oft times make you sound rather elitist, my friend. I hope that's not the case. 


03/31/17 10:33 AM #3823    


Jack Mallory

Definite elitist tendencies, Nora, among my many character flaws. That's one reason I try and inform myself about the real problems that cause suffering to others, not dismiss them as "hysteria." 


Speaking of elitists, and character flaws, I see that thousands of former students are about to be awarded a record-breaking $25 million dollars in their suit against the Billionaire-in-Chief's university. One of the richest men in the world, making big bucks by defrauding students desparate for an education--now THAT'S elitism!

In order to be TRULY elitist, you need status, wealth, and power. I'm just a small-time elitist compared to Trump and his millionaire/billionaire coterie of generals, bankers and CEOs--working for the American little guy, don't you know?

Part of that coterie, General Michael Flynn, is asking for immunity in return for testifying to the Senate Investigative Committee and the FBI. "“When you are given immunity, that means that you have probably committed a crime," Gen. Flynn said in 2016. Similarly, in 2016, Trump himself said, "If you’re not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for, right?"


Along with elitism, I will have to confess to a serious case of schadenfreude. 


03/31/17 10:49 AM #3824    


Jack Mallory

Glen--it ain't a la orange, but I think it's duck for breakfast at Chez Eagle's Nest this morning. 

And it may not be elitism, but it's certainly a privilege, to get a sunrise like this morning's:

03/31/17 03:15 PM #3825    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

After having read Flynn's book awhile back, I am not surprised that he made that statement. On the other hand, my go-to judge friend tells me that Flynn's plea for immunity might just be smart lawyering. Hopefully, the hearing will unveil truth. So far, however, the only felony proven has been committed by those who apparently "unmasked" Flynn. 

As for measuring one's level of elitism: I'll leave that to you, others & (in my case) The Almighty. If Trump (or any body else) swindles people, count me among those who are happy to see litigation award victims their due: in this case, 90% of their original investment. As an ex-legal secretary who often accompanied bosses to an array of court proceedings, I am thrilled. I, regrettably, fail to see your correlation to Trump in that fashion, however. Would be more interesting, perhaps, to know the numbers of students who were pleased with their experience & compare stories, since it is a rare enterprise that can please all of the people all of the time. 

04/01/17 06:25 AM #3826    


Jack Mallory

April Fool's Day, you all. But this ain't no stupid joke. 

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