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05/30/17 12:07 PM #4314    


Glen Hirose

Congradulations to you too Nori,

Who knows where this may lead? Maybe a gig with Tom Hanks on the new Pixar production of Toy Story 4.

05/30/17 01:20 PM #4315    


Jack Mallory

Nancy--yes, there is a Vietnam Veterans Memorial education center in the planning and funding stage. Among other functions, it will display a small number of the hundreds of thousands of memorabilia left at the Wall. There are also plans to somehow display photographs of those named on the Wall. The first link below will take you to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund web site, where you can see some of the items and photographs. The second link is a description of the book, Offerings at the Wall: Artifacts from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which has photos of a small number of the items left in the first 10 years after the Wall was built.




Just the other day NPR had a news piece on Representative Walter Jones (R-N.C.) who has the photographs of the 568 U.S. Marines killed in Iraq and Afghanistan on the walls outside his office. Jones is a former Marine, which guides his choice in photos; I presume that the House office building doesn't offer him the space to put up the photos of all of the more than 6,000 Americans killed in those countries, so far. 

Jones has written over 12,000 letters to their families. He sees this as atonement for his vote in favor of the war in Iraq, which he deeply regrets. Representative Jones is part of a bipartisan coalition seeking a termination of all funding for the war in Afghanistan, now in its 15th year. The Trump administration is considering sending an additional 5,000 or so troops to join the nearly 10,000 still there. 



05/30/17 01:45 PM #4316    


Jack Mallory

Bill--congratulations on your second sort-of retirement! Very ambitious plans, reminiscent of a best friend who retired from the Anthropology Department at UC Santa Barbara; a couple of years later was hired by U. Colorado to reorganize their Anthropogy Department; after three years or so, retired from U. Colorado; was then rehired by UC Santa Barbara to reorganize THEIR Antropology Department. Finally "retired" a third time a few years ago. She's 78, just left to put in a field season doing archaeology in Belize. Be warned--academics have a tough time letting go!

I'm not nearly so ambitious. Several different volunteer gigs working with veterans, hiking, kayaking, photography, and the gym. Gives structure to my life without chafing. 

From the aptly named Stumpfield Marsh on Memorial Day:

05/30/17 02:28 PM #4317    


Glen Hirose

OK Jack, 

Swallow, Swift?

05/30/17 05:56 PM #4318    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Glen: What's even better for B ball is that pitchers who deliberately throw at batters should be made to pay for it. Burns me. Conigliaro's tragic story should never be forgotten. 

As for a gig with Mr. Hanks: as an extra in Washington-based feature films through the 80's & 90's, I never actually met Tom Hanks (even though I worked on "Sleepless in Seattle") but, from the caterers to the grips, to the costumers to the make-up artists, he was considered the nicest guy in Hollywood. So, I would be honored! Not just to meet him but to wow my grandies by getting an autograph from the one-&-only Woody! 

05/30/17 06:29 PM #4319    


Glen Hirose


Have you seen the 1982 movie "Cannery Row?" It's an adaptation of Steinbeck's novel.

I've always liked Tom Hanks as an actor; it's nice to know that he is a decent person as well.  So maybe he's not acting; maybe he is just being Tom Hanks. 

05/30/17 07:28 PM #4320    


Jack Mallory

Swallow, don't spit, Glen. It's not polite.


I believe Jerry is disgusted by the same Donald Trump that many of us have been disgusted by since he appeared on our radar, and for the same reasons. So, to get "another perspective" on him Nora recommends we read a book by Newt Gingrich, one of Trump's campaign consultants, a man whose own credibility is strained by his endorsement of tinfoil-hat theories about Clinton and the DNC murdering a staffer. We should honor the perspective of the first House Speaker ever to be disciplined for an ethics violation? Could she recommend someone less biased and more trustworthy?

Does Gingrich present convincing denials of Trump's misogynist GTBTP remark? His ridiculing of a disabled reporter? His attacks on an American judge for being a "Mexican?" His attempts to deny admission to the US because of religion? His claims that the first Black American president was not really an American? His bilking thousands of students out of millions of dollars? His constant lying to the American people? Or does Gingrich somehow justify these acts? Could you give us an example of how he handles these issues, Nora?

I've disliked the actions, and characters, of a number of American politicians. But disgust I reserve for a very few; Trump is one of them.


There are beautiful and elegant things in the world, though. Again, I wonder if Trump has ever seen, or noticed, an osprey. His West Palm Beach golf course is built on a drained portion of the Everglades; gotta have priorities, I guess. Is that where he learned to drain swamps by putting the alligators in charge of the drains?



Steinbeck was not sympathetic to the wealthy--see Grapes of Wrath, almost anything he wrote. I wonder what he would have made of Trump? 

05/30/17 11:15 PM #4321    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Wow, whaddya really think, Jack? 😜

If I can watch every Michael Moore movie with my most liberal son, you can hold your nose & read a book by an ex Speaker of the House. What do you have to lose? 

And I haven't read it yet, myself, but I'll be happy to send you a copy. My (very diverse) nightstand stack is still daunting but I will get to each one...eventually...

Speaking of Tom Hanks, anybody seen his latest flick, "The Circle"? If so, were you as disappointed as I? 


05/31/17 06:08 AM #4322    


Robert Hall

Speaking of films we'll recommend "Their Finest" a small comedy/drama that got good reviews and, we thought, earned them. It will probably be overwhelmed by super hero films shortly so catch it while you can.

05/31/17 07:57 AM #4323    


Jack Mallory

Nora--I'm unclear what you're watching with your son has to do with what I should read, but I'm currently reading October: the Story of the Russian Revolution, recommended by my most liberal son. I'm glad we both raised our kids right. I'm not holding my nose while I read it because it's an excellent book, and because I can't see around my fingers. 

When you've read the Gingrich book, perhaps you will answer my questions about how he handles Trump's disgusting behavior? If he effectively demonstrates that those disgusting stories are untrue, or has justifications for their disgusting nature, I'd be interested in reading it. 

Otherwise, what do I have to lose by reading it? The opportunity cost. So many books, so little time. 


The NYT regularly publishes a compilation of opinion pieces from left, right, and center. It's a good way to access a range of perspectives, suggested by people who have read the material they are recommending.


05/31/17 09:22 AM #4324    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Let me add two 👍👍 along with Robert's for "Their Finest"!! <>>

Silly me, thinking that the J team could slum it long enough to absorb some opposing viewpoints concerning its own leader. At 70, it's often difficult to step outside one's own comfort zone. I get that. 


05/31/17 09:50 AM #4325    


Glen Hirose

I’m still waiting for The Black Hole Wars” to be made into a movie.  I think it's Susskind's best book. 

05/31/17 12:15 PM #4326    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Just heard that it's official. Trump is pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. It's a very sad day for our country as we lose leadership on this critical issue which will be inherited by our grandchildren and their grandchildren. This in combination with the insults to our strongest allies in Europe last week will surely lessen the power of the US for decades to come. So very very sad. 

05/31/17 02:12 PM #4327    


Jack Mallory

But Joan--

I agree that it will be a moral and leadership failure if the US pulls out of the Paris Accords. The lessening of American power over the rest of the world is not necessarily a bad thing, however. 

06/01/17 08:13 AM #4328    


Jack Mallory

Secret ethics waivers? Why would anyone need a secret ethics waiver? Hell, I wish I'd know about ethics waivers when I was younger! Too old now to make much use of one, but when I was younger . . . 

Popes used to sell ethics waivers, but they were called indulgences; sounds a lot better. You don't suppose the administration sells ethics waivers . . .

Somebody work on this for me--I'm going kayaking: "Pope Leo X, Martin Luther, and Donald Trump walk into a bar. The bartender says . . ."  Come on, Nora, step out of your comfort zone--you can  do this!

06/01/17 08:28 AM #4329    


Nora Skinker (Morton)


Happily without discomfort, I found from a March 2012 Judicial Watch article online, that more than 30 individual Ethic Waivers had been (until then) granted to Obama administration officials. Each were listed & reasons for the waivers given. My guess is that it's business as usual but when it comes to Trump, everything's a big deal.

Happy kayaking.  

06/01/17 09:56 AM #4330    


Glen Hirose

Joan, Jerry,

Do you remember the movie, “Day After Tomorrow”?  It wasn’t a cinematic tour de force, but at least it brought the issue of global climate change to a level that the average viewer might take notice; come to think of it that would be me…

I could have very well mentioned this in a previous post, but I’m at that age, and even if I did it’s likely everyone has forgotten.


This is what sets us apart from lower life forms:

Image result for parisian pastry and coffee  Image result for parisian pastry and coffee

06/01/17 02:02 PM #4331    


Jack Mallory

Clearly, at 70 it is difficult to step outside one's comfort zone! Confronted by alligators in this presidential swamp, we shrug our shoulders, toss our hands in the air, and counter suggestions of swamp in the present by pointing to suggestions of  swamps in the past. Been here before?

I'll make life easy for you. If evidence of Trumpublican corruption grows, you can try and justify it with references to Jackson, Buchanan, Grant, and Harding, just for starters. There's a great Wikipedia article that chronicles the corruption and other forms of malfeasance in every administration from Washington on up. I can't imagine anything Trump could do that you won't be able to justify here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_United_States#1923.E2.80.931929_Calvin_Coolidge_Administration

He may not be able to use Make America Great Again in 2020, but perhaps he can run on, "No more more corrupt than the last 44!" I'm sure the GOP can live with that. 

06/01/17 03:04 PM #4332    


Jack Mallory

Glen--everyone has a talent they haven't discovered yet:

06/01/17 05:00 PM #4333    


Glen Hirose


He/she has reached the pinnacle of success.  

I wonder if turtles are magnetic.  If so then the nose should be pointed due north.



06/01/17 06:42 PM #4334    


Janet Lowry (Deal)

Re: Yoga Turtle

If not magnetic, certainly majestic!

06/01/17 07:09 PM #4335    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Quite the contrary, Jack. I was interested enough to read the article & it was my understanding that the waivers are granted, after timely scrutiny & consideration, to people such as lobbyists & lawyers, so they may continue to work in government in a new capacity & not be thwarted by ethics rules which may prohibit them from doing such things as talking to previous co-workers or bosses affiliated with their previous position or positions. IOW, it is a rather usual occurance when someone in a previous administration or position has changed government billets. The Trump "big deal" is making news because he has more waived people working for him than Obama did by this time in his tenure. 

And for the record, at my age, I rarely throw my hands up about anything. 

06/01/17 08:24 PM #4336    


Jerry Morgan

So I am to spend my valuable time reading a book by someone that I consider maybe marginally above the morality of a Trump to convince me that Trump is some kind of knight in shining armor.  Maybe if you put it on Audio books and get Nora to voice it I might give it a try.  It seems to me though that you should maybe read the book before you recommend it or maybe one of Jack's alligators might come and bite one in the okole.  And I apologize if I misunderstood and that you have already read it by the time you posted the offer.. 

Did anyone happen to catch the rose garden debacle or was I the only one that thinks this is the second saddest day since last November.  If it don't make us any money then it ain't good for Merika.  I made money in the mines and my grandaddy did too and if it was good enuff for us then it's good nuff for my kids.  It doesn't even make any sense on an economic basis.  We are now the world's pariah along with two of our fellow global partners.  At least one of them is not in because they felt the accord didn't go far enough.  We are out because it's not making us any money.

I have changed my opinion of Trump.  He is not disgusting that would be an insult to others that I have called disgusting.  Can anyone of this group come up with a better descriptor for The Donald.

06/01/17 08:39 PM #4337    


Jack Mallory

Janet and Glen--yes, the little turtle (about as big as my hand) looks like you could have spun it like the pointer in a board game. What is that yoga pose--Downward Turtle? Actually, given that it's a cold-blooded turtle warming itself up, it's probably a Sun Salute pose.

Birds, large and small, from yesterday and today. And a young raccoon who seems not to have listened when mom told it not to bother the porcupines.





The reason the Trump ethics waivers to industry lawyers and private-sector lobbyists with potential conflicting interests are a "big deal" is that the waivers were done secretly, and kept secret until forced into the open by the Office of Government Ethics. This struck many as suspicious, given Trump's campaign promises to "drain the swamp" by ridding government of lobbyists and "making our government honest again." Secrecy gives rise to questions about honesty, especially in an administration which has created serious doubts about honesty in its first four months in office. 

06/01/17 09:36 PM #4338    


Jack Mallory

Jerry--when I heard about Trump's decision to pull us out of the Paris Accords my first concern was for your blood pressure! When I read the list of heads of state who expressed their disappointment with Trump, I was embarrassed for us as a nation, but then I realized they were all probably just disgruntled Hillary voters: some of those millions of illegal voters So-called lied about.

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