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05/07/18 08:03 PM #5792    


Glen Hirose


​I missed the show too; I know it will not be like seeing them in-the-flesh, but if you could please post photos for the rest of your fans we would be greatful.


​By the way food at the Derby Party was filling.

05/07/18 08:31 PM #5793    


Jack Mallory

Helen, good to know BCC juniors are still checking you out--pretty good for a gal your age!

I took this selfie today. I don't think I'm aging too badly, myself..

Glen--it's the goddam Bulgarian judges. They won't give an American turtle a break. I went back to the training camp, got a few more shots. 

The team still has a lot of work to do.

And then there was this happy heron:


05/07/18 08:52 PM #5794    


Robert Hall

That turtle's dive was pretty impressive Jack. What's the official name?

05/07/18 09:40 PM #5795    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Thanks for asking about the paintings Glen...The one that got an honorable mention is called "Tilghman Stories" and its on my art website. There is another painting I entered that got into the show called "Field of Planes."   If you click on the paintings they will be larger and you can find the two in the show. I have one more that was a photo of the "Tilghman Stories" in its space at the show on the Rockville Art League Facebook page. I will send that next...Love, Joanie      http://www.yellowbarnstudio.com/gr/Grosfeld.htm

05/07/18 09:44 PM #5796    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

HI again, here is a shot of the seascape painting that is on the far left photographed in the show....Love, Joanie


Glen if you still get a chance to go to the show, its on from May 6 - June 15...the hours are Monday Tues. Wens. Fri. 9:30 - 4:30pm and Thurs. from 9:30 - 9pm. Love, Joanie

05/07/18 10:07 PM #5797    


Nora Skinker (Morton)


05/08/18 09:01 AM #5798    


Glen Hirose



  Kuznetsov !!!!!



     Thanks for the information; I will have time to go see the Exhibition.


05/08/18 04:33 PM #5799    


Glen Hirose

"Good Grief!" Jack,

That looks like one exceptionally large Snapping Turtle. It would yield one hefty caldron of soup, 

   Related image

   and just in case you would like to order it in Singapore: 海龟汤

05/08/18 06:44 PM #5800    


Jack Mallory

“Official names”

Chrysemys picta for the little guy (your basic painted turtle), Chyledra serpentina for the big guy. Not that big a snapper, but he does look old. 

Another perspective on him:

I used to come home from work like that. That's how I knew it was time to retire. Or at least get a new couch. 

05/08/18 08:29 PM #5801    


Robert Hall

That WAS a great hockey game.

Snappers certainly get respect. I'll never forget the first one I "caught" while fishing at Wide Water on the C&O canal. My buddy jumped straight back when my "catch" broke the surface.

05/08/18 09:27 PM #5802    


Jack Mallory

Late 70s, skinny dipping with a bunch of people, all stoned, out in the middle of a lake in central PA. Somebody said something about snappers. Suddenly, half a dozen guys, all thrashing back to shore as fast as swimming with one arm could propel them. 

Pond bonsai:



05/09/18 11:48 AM #5803    


Glen Hirose



Now it becomes obvious why you love to kayak; put a motor on that boat and you’ll miss everything. You have taken that next step in human evolution to become a being of heighten awareness.  I and a few of my fellow troglodytes are still dragging our knuckles...On a recent visit to the Rayburn Building we were advised to walk upright, 

   Image result for cavemen

or would be asked to leave.

05/09/18 02:22 PM #5804    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jack, your photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing them from time to time. You are quite the photographer. The photos are emotional and beautiful. Love, Joanie

05/09/18 03:09 PM #5805    


Jack Mallory

Thank you, Joanie.

And Glen—“. . . next step in evolution . . .”

Nah. Just getting old and faking getting wise.  

As Wendell Berry wrote in The Peace of Wild Things,

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, 
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world and am free.”

Damn, can't keep the spacing from being weird  

Or, as the Water Rat said to Mole,


“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing — absolutely nothing — half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Simply messing... about in boats — or with boats. In or out of ’em, it doesn't matter. Nothing seems really to matter, that's the charm of it. Whether you get away, or whether you don't; whether you arrive at your destination or whether you reach somewhere else, or whether you never get anywhere at all, you're always busy, and you never do anything in particular; and when you've done it there's always something else to do, and you can do it if you like, but you'd much better not.”

05/10/18 04:34 PM #5806    


Edwin (Ned) Hege

Jack, what excellent advice from Water rat to mole. I may adopt that myself!

05/10/18 08:56 PM #5807    


Jack Mallory

Did you ever canoe with me on the Potomac, Ned? Helen did; Kat and Jennifer Harting, Jeanette Kahn, can't remember who else. We kept it at the Sycamore Island Canoe club. There was a member there who worked at the CIA, used to canoe up and across the Potomac to work. I thougth that was pretty cool. 

I've always loved Wind in the Willows, and in my retirement emulate the Water Rat as much as possible. Today on Campton Bog (a much nicer term than swamp, which conjures up images of the White House):



05/10/18 11:09 PM #5808    


Robert Hall

Nice photos of Canadian Geese on the wing Jack. It's hard to believe they were once a threatened species. They are beautiful birds.
However, the non-migratory ones, though handsome (and entertaining crossing the street or a corporate park sidewalk with young in tow), are a nuisance. Around here landscapers and grounds people call them "big pigeons."

05/11/18 06:12 AM #5809    


Jack Mallory

Robert—I understand Trump is going to build a wall, a very tall wall, to keep out illegally immigrating Canadian geese. To be paid for by the geese, of course. 

The White House and Fox—class acts. WH aide yesterday—John McCain's opinions on torture don’t matter because “he's dying anyway.” Fox Business guest—torture works, he said, citing (his words) “Songbird John” as proof. There is NO evidence McCain gave in to torture during his captivity in  Vietnam. 

05/11/18 07:44 AM #5810    


Glen Hirose



John J. Audubon is looking down on you with a smile when he sees the wildlife art that you create with the lense of your camera.  

For his sake and our enjoyment keep up the good work…


05/11/18 09:48 AM #5811    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Besides reporting hate-charged quotes from the news, there are more positive items to help jumpstart the day: on the heels of the welcome release of 3 Americans from NoKo quite recently, Japan has demanded that NoKo release Japanese abductees or face total loss of aid. Bring ‘em ALL home! Yet another reason to smile: our DOD has reported that US backed Iraqi forces have captured 5 senior ISIS suspects in a border raid in Pakistan. Made my morning! 

Sure hope that tall “geese” wall isn’t fake news. Judging from my backyard, these guys are Olympic poopsters! Send ‘em home! 

GO CAPS!!!! 😎

05/11/18 11:58 AM #5812    


Jack Mallory

Complaints concerning hate-charged comments about John McCain should be addressed to those who make them, or to their source of inspiration: 



1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 



John MCain's daughter said, referring to the White House aide's remark about her father: “I don’t understand what kind of environment you’re working in where that would be acceptable, and you can come to work the next day and still have a job.” Depends on where you work. Be tough for Trump to fire someone for making disparaging remarks about McCain, given his own history.

I don't understand how North Korea can lose aid from Japan. It receives no aid from Japan. 


If geese aren't positive enough, how about a different species of water creature?

05/11/18 12:07 PM #5813    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

I am appalled that the White House staffer said "McCain is dying anyway," when discussing that McCain would oppose Haskell's nomination. I like what Meghan McCain said upon hearing of this. We are all dying but its how we live that counts. I remember when Trump said, "I don't like people who were captured," referring to John McCain, or something to that effect. Where is there decency anymore. I feel so sad for John McCain. I don't agree with him on many things but I respect his sacrifices and love for our country. Love, Joanie

05/11/18 12:19 PM #5814    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

I also thank John McCain for being one of the few Republicans who have spoken out against the dangers of Trump to our standing in the world with our allies and for raising the alarms about the dangers of the Trump Administration to the rule of law, etc. I think when Trump compared us to the Putin regime in an interview saying "you think we don't have killers," it especially upset McCain. Love, Joanie

05/11/18 01:54 PM #5815    


Stephen Hatchett

Ah, yes.  Canoes and kayaks.  I'm gonna join Ned and take the water rat's advice myself -- when I get done with all the durn mowing of this year's incredible bumper crop of grass (to try to keep down the fire danger).  Our three donkeys are getting way too fat and aren't making a dent in the grass this year.

Like you Joanie, I don't agree with John McCain on some things, but I definitely salute him.   

05/11/18 02:17 PM #5816    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Nasty rhetoric in politics is used to further an agenda. McCain is a Right wing moderate & has been the focus of many a jab from both sides through the years, but, because he is very ill, everyone is walking on eggshells. The atmosphere is emotionally charged now more than ever. In this case, the Dems want to expound on these nasty comments to further their stance against the Haskal confirmation. Furthering their stance by recycling arguments for & against certain tactics used against 9-11 operatives, stirs public emotions, too. Both sides are focused on the mid-terms, adding volitility. Also, winning public outrage against the GOP further slows Trump’s drive to fill administrative positions. It’s called obstructionism, Joanie. Manchin (a Left wing moderate), is always taking bullets. But, thank goodness, he is not ill, so nobody cares about those bullets. As a long-time watcher of John McCain (& Megan, too), I can assure you that politics ain’t a game for sissies & they know exactly how deep to take political rhetoric. AND, they can sling it with the best of them! Incidentally, look for McCain’s new memoir coming out: “The Restless Wave.”


Sorry, Jack. I just assumed you knew that there was an upcoming summit with North Korea. Japan is our ally. Their threat was aimed at the prospect of the level of Japan’s cooperation being influenced by whether or not NoKo offers up Japanese abductees, as they did for the U.S. I think it’s strategically interesting & positive, don’t you? 

Jerry, please share your observations  about the volcano. I keep reading more about possibilities for a major explosion, the likes of which occurred  in 1924. I hope that’s just more fake news. 

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