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01/29/19 01:50 PM #7762    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Thanks Jack for publishing the El Chapo trial statistics which I had intended to do. It really spells things out. Instead of coming up with imaginary ideas about where the drugs are coming from, we’re able to hear directly from the actual smugglers about how they do their work. Not mentioned in his trial is also the huge number of opioids entering the country via mail from China. (see link below)

Now here’s a smart congressman who has a reasonable solution to border security. He is Rep. Will Hurd and his Texas district includes 800 miles of the Mexican border, so I think he understands the issue. (see link below) I heard this guy interviewed on The Daily podcast (see link below). He proposes laying fiber optics along the border from “sea to shining sea” which would benefit communities and schools along the border by bringing them high speed internet while at the same time being able to detect illegal crossing both above and below ground. Sounds like a real 21st century solution!  I have no idea what his proposal would cost, but even if it’s more than the proposed $25+ million for the wall, it’s a solution that would actually work. I just hope he’s in there with the negotiations going on right now. This is a guy I could vote for if I lived in Texas.

Oh, did I mention, he’s a Republican?

From the link scroll down to the episode titled  “A Republican Congressman From Texas Who Opposes the Wall”


Oh Nori, where are the links to your baby murdering info? Telling us to Google someone is not a link. And by the way has anybody on this forum EVER advocated for late term abotions? I think not so maybe we don't need to be lectured to.

01/29/19 02:29 PM #7763    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Am so sorry if I offended you with my "lecture", Joan. Not sure how it suggested that you were accused of espousing late term abortions, but am happy to know you don't necessarily agree with their legalization. I like putting information that I find relevent to current events out on the forum and must say, I certainly enjoy reading and absorbing your info., too. Particularly appreciate your sharing of Congressman's Hurd's viewpoints,  with which I have long agreed. As I've hoped to impart in the past, my position is that I am in favor of border security in all forms, past and present. Barriers where the experts show they are needed as well as state-of-the-art technology can and should work in tandem and are not and never have been mutually exclusive.  It should be noted that Trump's $5.7B is not just an arbitrary number but is what the border experts have suggested to seal up portions of the border that need new barriers &/or incorporate improvements to existing barriers. With more voices joining Hurd's, perhaps we shall get lucky and there will be a border compromise which helps to ease the political polarization of which Americans are growing more and more weary. From ongoing polls, it would seemingly behoove both parties. 

My point in listing the seedy characters who cheated the American people during the Obama administration, was to fortify my belief that every administration has its shady characters. I would think that to dispel that assumption would need more than just a reference to some vague motivation i might have to distract from today's negative news stories about Trump. Afterall, what would be in that for me?

Wow, am appalled at the ugly backlash (death threats and such) that CEO Schultz is receiving since his mention of running as a 2020 Independent candidate. I hope he has a wall around his home because Trump haters are ready to wring his neck.

Finally, let me assure you, Joanie, that had there been a special counsel appointed to open an investigation into the backgrounds of those in the Obama administration who lied to Congress, there would have been multiple indictments. There must and should be evidence to launch such an investigation and no one wanted to do that...most likely for political reasons. Unlike those, however, people very much wanted to open an investigation into Trump because he was hated by key people and highly suspected, albeit without evidence, of throwing an election by colluding with Russians. 


01/30/19 06:48 AM #7764    


Jack Mallory

Nothing like waking up the day AFTER a colonoscopy and being told you have TEN years until the next one! 

God’s in his or her heaven, all's right with the world. Metaphorically, of course. 

01/30/19 06:50 AM #7765    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

The Republicans had the stomach to open investigations Nori....Remember Benghazi where they spent so much money and in the end found nothing after even 11 hours of testimony by Hillary Clinton. They would have jumped on anything so I don't agree about this but always turning to something you try to find on the Democratic side isn't the answer. We are dealing with Trump and his corrupt administration and his cozing up to Russia while turning against our allies....well, I know you disagree, but to me this is a dangerous alarming time with Trump in power. Love, Joanie

01/30/19 10:11 AM #7766    


Glen Hirose


Jack a moment of parapraxis perhaps? In any case good news none the less.

01/30/19 10:59 AM #7767    


Jack Mallory

POTUS getting his version of reality from Hollywood. And when he tells us immigrants are coming to steal our precious bodily fluids we'll know he's been watching Dr. Strangelove.

We do know, now, that he pulls his evidence directly from Homeland Immigration Study on Asylum Support Statistics. (thank you Mr. Colbert).

01/30/19 02:13 PM #7768    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

No surprise that Trump refuses to accept what his Intelligence Committee just said re: Iran and North Korea....He pretends that he knows better then them and they should take a course in Intelligence evaluation. ....This is so appalling and Trump is a threat to oue security. Love, Joanie

01/30/19 04:42 PM #7769    


Jay Shackford

Hey Nori – As John McEnroe might say, “You’ve gotta be kidding.”  Joan, Jack and Joanie are right again – there is no comparison between the Obama and Trump administrations.  It’s as different as night and day, white and black, truth and falsehood.   

You cited several relatively unknown Obama Administration officials who pleaded the 5thwhile testifying before Congress – Lois Learner of the IRS, Jeff Neeley of the GSA, Patrick Cunningham, and IRS Deputy Director Greg (his last name is right on the tip of my tongue).  Anybody hear of these guys/gals before?  Also, the last time I checked, pleading the 5threfers to the 5thAmendment of the Constitution, which protects our rights to remain silent. In other words, pleading the 5this no proof or evidence that you have done anything wrong or illegal.  

Now let’s look at the other side or what I might call the dark side of American history. 

Six of Trump’s key advisors and/or friends (like this guy has any real friends) have been indicted. Five have pleaded guilty and/or have been convicted.  The sixth guy – Roger Stone—is a serial lying wacko with serious mental disorders and a tattoo of Richard Nixon on his back.  He claims he was a top-level political advisor to Nixon. In fact, he was a low-level gofer who was a 19-year-old student at George Washington University and was last seen passing out pro-Nixon literature (calling the Watergate probe a witch hunt) at the corner of 19thStreet and Pennsylvania Avenue at the time of Nixon’s resignation.  He’s even been disowned by the Nixon Foundation and Library. 

Let’s look at the other five guys. 

  • Paul Manafort – Trump’s campaign manager has already been convicted in Federal Court and sentenced to upwards of 10 years imprisonment.  He still faces sentencing on other federal charges (the guy just keeps on lying) that could mean he will be spending the rest of his life in prison. 
  • Michael Flynn – Trump’s National Security Adviser (the guy who counsels the President every day on issues of war and peace) has pleaded guilty to felony charges, has been cooperating with the Mueller investigation for more than a year, and has yet to be sentenced. Does he have more to say?  
  • Rick Gates – Trump’s assistance campaign manager and a favorite of Ivanka and Jared.  He’s pleaded guilty to felony charges, is cooperating with the Mueller probe and has yet to be sentenced.  Wonder why it’s taking so long?  
  • Michael Cohen – Diaper Don’s fixer and personal attorney for more than a decade (the guy who did all of Trump’s dirty deeds such as paying-off Stormy) has pleaded guilty to felonies and has been sentenced to three years in prison.  If allowed, Cohen’s public testimony before Congress will be dynamite.  If I were Cohen, I would get the best security detail available for himself and his family.   
  • George Papadopoulas – A so-called foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign who has pleaded guilty to felony charges and is already serving time in prison.  Admittedly, this guy was a low-level wimp who, according to my proud Greek wife, is giving all Greeks a bad name.  “If you’re going to be a crook, be a big-time crook – rob a bank or something,” Nina says, “not some cowardly, pathetic suck-up who lies for the President and then hides in his wife’s shadow.”  That’s not the Greek way.  The Greeks, apparently, have their own code of honor.  

But it doesn’t stop there. Consider his cabinet appointments and other top White House posts. During the first 14 months of Diaper Don’s presidency, nine of those top positions have turned over at least once, compared with three at the same point of the Clinton administration, two under Barack Obama and one under President George W. Bush, according to an updated article published online by the NYT on Jan. 14, 2019.    Let’s dig a little deeper into those departures.  

  • Scott Pruitt resigned in disgrace as EPA Administrator in July 2018.  While a hero for big oil, coal and other energy companies for his deregulation efforts, Pruitt was saddled with numerous ethics questions regarding his spending abuses, first-class travel and cozy relationships with energy lobbyists.  Didn’t he try to buy a mattress from the new Trump Hotel in Washington?  
  • Another darling of big energy, Ryan Zinke, resigned under pressure in December 2018 while he was being investigated for numerous ethics violations dealing with his business dealings, travel and policy decisions.  This is the tough guy from Montana who rode his horse to front door of the Interior Department for his first day on the job.  
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired the day after the mid-term elections. Everyone thinks he got canned for recusing himself from the Mueller probe when, in fact, he pissed off Diaper Don for delivering the wrong-sized “Depends” to the White House. Well, I guess we can thank Sessions for one thing – he was the guy that thought up the great idea of separating children from their parents and throwing them into cooler cages at the southern border to discourage people from immigrating to this country. We all know how that turned out.   
  • Tom Price resigned in disgrace as Secretary of Health and Human Services in September 2017 after racking up thousands of dollars in travel expenses for chartered flights.   
  • Rex Tillerson was fired by tweet by Old Bone Spurs and replaced by then CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who is now looking to run for a Senate seat in his home state of Kansas. It should be noted that Diaper Don has never fired one of his cabinet members or White House officials in person. 
  • FBI Director Jim Comey, the first to be fired for not stopping the Mueller probe, found out about his firing while speaking to a group of FBI recruits in Los Angeles in early 2017.   He watched it come over the news on television.  Old Bone Spurs is such a classy guy.    
  • Dave Shulkin was fired by Trump in March 2018 as Secretary of Veterans Affairs.  At first, Trump planned to replace him with his own White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, until Jackson’s unqualified background and shady past was uncovered by the media, including the fact that Dr. Jackson passed out amphetamines to White House staff during trips on Air Force One. 
  • H.R. McMaster resigned under pressure as National Security Adviser in March 2018.  He was replaced by hard-liner John Bolton, a neo-conservative who was one of the chief proponents and architects of invading Iraq in 2003 during the George W. Bush Administration.  Now Bolton was his sights set on Venezuela and Iran.  
  • Gary Cohen resigned in protest in March 2018 as the President’s top economic adviser after the President proposed large tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and was thinking about imposing other bat-shit crazy tariffs. 
  • Andrew McCabe was fired from the FBI in March 2018 – two days before he would have qualified for his government pension.  Hey, you can’t say Trump has no heart.  
  • Regrettably, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis was the fourth member of Trump’s cabinet to resign or be forced out in the last two months of 2018. Like Cohen, McMaster and a few other cabinet and White House officials, Jim Mattis was one of the few who had the character and guts to stand up to the President and say “no” or just ignore his crazy orders.    

There are scores of additional firings, resignations and disappearances that scar this chillingly chaotic and out-of-control White House.  But I've run out of energy. So let me just make one more observation.   

I worry the most about Mattis’ resignation because I wouldn’t put it past this President to attack Iran or invade Venezuela as the noose of the Mueller investigation tightens and gets too close to home.  The "yes men" have taken over, and Trump will do anything to distract attention from the Mueller probe – even if that means rallying the country behind him on a military crisis of his own making.  I’m convinced he will do anything to protect himself.  And “anything” could include the unthinkable.  






01/30/19 07:06 PM #7770    


Jack Mallory

A thorough and useful reminder of the sordid circus performance that the Trump Big Top has given us for two years, Jay. We can only sympathize with those of character and integrity who have been caught up in it while trying to serve their country--McMaster and Mattis, among others. 

But Trump's supporters don't care about the disaster, Jay. If he concocts the lies that feed their fears and their bigotry, if he can foster a belief system that rejects facts and reason, if he will pander to the farthest right and their un-American ideologies, his supporters get just what they want. Some of them are ashamed to admit to these beliefs and behaviors themselves, but have Trump to wave this perverse banner for them. 

And, like you, I fear the "Wag the Dog" scenario--let's hope he hasn't seen it. Presidents of both parties have used war as a political tool. If NIxon would destroy a chance for peace in Vietnam to improve his election chances, what might we expect from Trump in the face of legal or political threats? Are we in a situation where we have to hope that Putin's influence over Trump is sufficient to keep him from military action in Iran or Venezuela? As Joanie points out, our own intelligence agencies seem to have little bearing on his understanding of the world. 

Thanks for your work in putting that post together, but facts and rationality are not arguments that Trump's followers respond to. 

01/30/19 07:31 PM #7771    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jay I also want to thank you for compiling these many shocking things that have gone on within the Trump Administration and by Trump himself. Its too bad that some think we are just out to get Trump when we are out to save our country. To those of us worried about the State of the Union, I hope that quote by Martin Luther King will become reality,, that "the moral arc of the univerae bends at the elbow of justice."  Love, Joanie

01/31/19 05:31 AM #7772    


Jack Mallory


Jay—Gail Collins is reading your Forum posts!

Help Pick the Worst of Trump  


01/31/19 07:52 AM #7773    


Jay Shackford

Jack -- Gotta save this clip from Gail Collins, which catalogs the most corrupt, incompetent team of cabinet officials ever assembled.  The collateral damage from such leadership or should we say lack of leadership will take decades to fix.  Read "The Fifth Risk" by Michael Lewis, who also wrote "The Big Short" on the subprime meltdown that helped trigger the Great Recession.  Lewis' new book on Trump's transition and his team of idiots as they took over the reins of government provides some scary insights into what's at stake when you elect a corrupt, incompetent and totally unfit, unstable and unqualified con man as President. He's got a great chapter on Rick Perry.  Like all of Michael's books dating back to "Liar's Poker," it reads like a novel.  Very entertaining.  He's the new Tom Wolff.  

Joanie -- great quote from MLK. 

01/31/19 11:07 AM #7774    


Jack Mallory

Trump tells his “naive” intelligence chiefs to “go back to school.” Perhaps he has Trump University in mind, with experience in defrauding naive students to the tune of $25 million. 

Can the people of the United States sue the President for damages? 


Teaching nightmares

Mr. Mallory's history class, 2095:

"Mr. Mallory, you've been teaching US History for 100 years. Can you explain how that dude Trump ever got elected President? Were people crazy, or stoopid, or what?"

"Well, Catarina, the first thing to remember is that he wasn't elected by a majority of the voters . . . "

01/31/19 01:40 PM #7775    


Jay Shackford

Jack -- You're on a roll.  What's happened today, folks?  I'm doing my taxes with Turbo Tax.  As a news junky, that means I'm going through withdrawal.  Poor Diaper Don -- he's stuck in the White House and everyone is picking on him.  And it's cold down here. As the President recently tweeted, "whatever happened to global waming." In addition to requiring every presidential candidate to release 10 years of their tax returns, perhaps we should require them to pass a simple 6th grade spelling test.  

01/31/19 04:19 PM #7776    


Jack Mallory

Thanks, Jay. I’ve got a great straight man to feed me lines.

But Trump isn’t just a comedic buffoon, although it’s easy to see him that way. He’s a true danger to democracy. It's as if Toto had pulled the curtain aside and exposed, not the pitiable Great and Mighty Oz, but Dick Nixon. 

Good for you and TurboTax. I’m still collecting “Important Tax Documents” before making my H&R Block appointment.  

02/02/19 09:02 AM #7777    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Kudos in taking time to log an entire thesis on “who’s who of shady characters”, Jay! Gotta say, however, if you were not stunned by the likes of the Benghazi bungling of mistruths & the IRS targeting of conservatives, you are the embodiment of stoicism.  But, cutting to the chase: wherever & however we, as a nation can “drain the swamp” & shed sunshine on our foibles, it’s a good thing. Joanie, there is a huge difference twixt appointing a special investigator to devote multiple years & millions of dollars to investigate a president than the congressional hearings accompanying Obama & his cast of characters. Depending on what “side” one takes, the terms are always arranged toward bias: I.e. Trump is under suspicion of influencing the election. What does that mean? Does “lock her up” apply? Some would suggest that yes it does. Some would not. On the other hand, does Donna Brazill’s blatant feeding of debate questions to HRC constitute the influencing of an election? Apparently not. Does Brennan’s blatant lying to Congress constitute perjury? Apparently not. Does James Clapper’s lying? I guess not. (But, I too, grow weary, Jay). 

Is anybody else having a hard time recognizing the Democratic Party these days? Free for all! Including the butchering of full term babies. Where’s the outrage?

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, ya’ll! 


02/02/19 09:33 AM #7778    


Jack Mallory

“Butchering of full term babies”

Not worthy of a rational response, so I’ll just call bullshit. 

02/02/19 11:47 AM #7779    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Nori, you seem alarmed by things in the Democratic party that you seem to equate with the Trump Administration...to me there still in no comparison. Obama didn't have a gang of felons in the top levels of government like Flynn, for National Security advisor, Manafort for campaign manager, and numerous others in the cabinet that resigned in disgrace. .why are you not talking about all the shocking things going on in the Trump Administration. Even if you think Obama's Administration was just as bad which I disagree with 100%, are you not outraged by things that have gone on in the Trump Administration. I mean this cannot be business as usual to you. Its not about being a Democrat or Republican...I am very upset by the Democratic governor of Virginia showing on his yearbook a racist picture. He says that is not who he is but its deeply troubling. Love, Joanie

02/03/19 07:29 AM #7780    


Jack Mallory


President Grab 'Em by the Pussy knows bigotry when he sees it! 


No place for racists, misogynists, and liars in office. If Northam should resign, and he certainly should, why shouldn't Trump? Why is college party bigotry any more “unforgivable” than locker room bigotry? Why are a governor's lies different from a president's?

02/03/19 04:38 PM #7781    


Jay Shackford

Ralph needs to resign and disappear.  This was 1984 and he was adult (25 years of age) in the final year of medical school.  He wasn't a teenage kid joking around. Trump, on the other hand, should also resign.  If he doesn't, he should be impeached and then sent to jail for a long time.  Off to a Super Bowl party.  Go Rams!!!

02/03/19 05:31 PM #7782    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Though I am really more into college football and specifically Maryland football (Terps), I also would like the Rams to win.  I agree that Trump should resign too along with Ralph Northam. Love, Joanie

02/03/19 06:19 PM #7783    


Jack Mallory

Maybe we'll wake up tomorrow to find that Northam has seen the Biblical handwriting on the wall and left office.

Mene mene tekel upharsin . . . I don’t think Trump speaks Aramaic.

You guys enjoy the game. Maybe I'll have some guacamole while I read my book!


After several days of walking the dog in the minus double digits with a cold, cold sun shining . . .

tomorrow and Tuesday predicted in the 50s!

02/03/19 11:04 PM #7784    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

stunning picture...thanks for sharing. Love, Joanie   

02/04/19 09:45 AM #7785    


Jack Mallory

The way the day should start.

02/04/19 02:36 PM #7786    


Jack Mallory


Good for the Democrats. Another piece of rank bigotry from the Trump administration. They claim it's to avoid the health costs involved in  treating transgendered troops. I'll believe that when they reduce military and VA health costs by refusing enlistment to smokers and drinkers. Good luck with that!.






You folks who served remember those constant smokers? I push them, and their oxygen tanks, up to pulmonary for their COPD, asthma, and emphysema care, or down to oncology for their chemo, multiple times a week. 

Who would you rather have pulling your shot-up ass out of a firefight—a healthy, sober trans troop, or a hung-over smoker?

But what would the Bigot in Chief know about firefights?


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