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08/11/19 04:30 PM #9114    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Joanie: in response to your assertion that Trump is a right wing radical is astonishing. But then, if I had a daily dose of Nicole Wallace and MSNBC, perhaps I would view him as such, too. I don't even know what to say about that so I'll just stop. 

As for God. Jack, thanks so much for affirming what I already know: that, as a Christian, I fall short. Every day, I fall short. What could i do for God to show my gratitude? I do what I can do (treat people kindly, teach my children Jesus' word, help them to find worthy purpose, devote time and patience with those less fortunate, give to worthy causes, help to raise money for good purposes, vounteer my time, spend my life raising good people, do my very best to be a good example to them and my grandies, thank my Lord and show sincere gratitude for the many blessings He bestows, attend church ...among other endeavors) and yet, I STILL fall short.  What could I do for veterans who have put so much of themselves on the line so that I and those I love can live a life in freedom? I do what I can do ( revere each and every veteran I know and see in my life, give to worthy causes which help veterans, vote for those who show respect and revere veterans, teach my children respect to whom we are indebted & whom have served to keep our way of life possible, stand for my flag, my anthem, my pledge (usually crying), visit memorials, read and share histories of those past to keep their memories alive, pray for those who served and are serving. And, yes, I still fall short. But sometimes I harken back to some wonderfu and sustainingl words from Emily Dickinson:

"They might not need me; but they might.

I'll let my head be just in sight;

A smile as small as mine might be

Precisely their necessity."

And as a Christian, i know that l fall short and always will.  

08/11/19 05:46 PM #9115    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

Don’t jump to conclusions, Jack. I made no mention of Trump, nor frankly had him in mind. There are plenty of rich, influential men to go around with out assuming it’s Trump. Plus Trump is guilty of many other things without laying Epstein at his feet, too.

08/11/19 06:36 PM #9116    


Jack Mallory

Helen, you have to learn to think like a conspiracy theorist. The COMPLETE lack of evidence pointing to Trump's involvement in Epstein's death is the giveaway! Of COURSE that's the way they’d make it look! QED!

I do see that POTUS himself is spreading a tweet alleging Clinton involvement in the Epstein affair (trying to hide his own guilt? Think like a conspiracist!). https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/10/us/politics/trump-epstein-conspiracy-theories.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share

This is the man who promulgated Birther bullshit, invented millions of illegal voters, repeatedly said Mexico would pay for the wall, told us windmills cause cancer, and claimed the Russia investigation was “an attempted overthrow of the U.S. Government,” among thousands of other untruths. Are there no limits to the gullibility of those who support and apologize for him?

Nora, I find it so much simpler to acknowledge my failings to live up to my own standards without having to drag hypothetical beings into the equation. 


08/11/19 09:35 PM #9117    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Joanie, you must have felt pretty bad about Obama’s deportations, too. Gotta wonder how many kids were screaming during those years..and the Bush years.

Helen, I so agree that the Epstein suicide smells of suspicious behavior. However, I await more information which may or may not be forthcoming. I do pray that the brave victims that have come forth will find justice at least through civil lawsuits. The man was worth $500 million & lawyers alone will take a chunk but the net should still be substantial restitution, if there is such a thing for such heinous crimes.

Meanwhile, at home with Spider-Man: 



08/11/19 10:40 PM #9118    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Maybe a better term for Trump then Nori, is that he is out of the mainstream of our Democracy and laws and beliefs that all people are created equal and entitled to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He said both sides have fine people referring to the White Nationalist group that marched in Charlottesville. He is extreme because he is lawless, and pays no attention to Congress having oversight but just to the ideology that he wants to push like dictators are good and he would like his people to react the way they do to Kim. Its extreme to believe dictators like Putin over our own intelligence agencies. As I said, he likes Kim who he has a love affair with, and others.To me these are extreme positions. It is extreme that he has come up with a policy to separate children and put them in cages. It is extreme that he has so many corrupt people in his administration who he picks, many who are now convicted felons or who want to dismantle the agency they are heading...He is the most extreme President that divides people we have ever had where he tries to spark resentment of immigrants by making up things such as they are taking your jobs...and on and on....as for Obama, you are doing what you always do. You don't want to answer about the cruelty of Trump separating children and the videos we all see of them crying when there parents are taken away.. Instead you talk about Obama . Yes, he deported a huge amount of people and I don't like his immigration policy. However, he rarely separated a child from a parent Nori unless there was a real danger. So to make an analogy of the crying children under his administration is not accurate. His policy improved in his second term when he made an executive order to institute DACA, etc. You don't seem to be bothered by all these children being separated from their parents. You wrote all the good things you try to do and I believe you, but please realize that this is not a humane policy that is going on. Love, Joanie

08/12/19 09:17 AM #9119    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Bloodshed. Shed for me. On the cross & on the battlefield. Might be a mere hypothetical in your mind, Jack, but is the most sobering, humbling, motivating slap of reality there is, in mine. (Check out the closing scene of “Saving Private Ryan”, some time.  Spielberg nailed it).

Speaking of Ryans, I can’t understand why Tim Ryan isn’t resonating with Dems more. He’s a good age, bright & leans more center. Thoughts? 

Joanie, heaven forbid that you take your eye off villainous Trump & realize it has taken a village to create the issues at the border. Decades, Joanie. Decades of blame & shame by a snail paced Washington, covering the asses of donors relying on cheap labor. Evil Trump wants that to stop. I want him to want it to stop. Do you realize that Trump’s pressure on Mexico to better enforce their border laws has brought down illegal crossings 20% over the last two months? Ain’t much but it’s a tangible start. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll always remain a voice for the children. I respect your resolve to do that. As you, I’m sure respect me for my efforts in allowing the unborn to be heard. One day, we both might see change. For now, we rant & wait. 

Humor needed here:

08/12/19 02:06 PM #9120    


Jack Mallory

And speaking of Saving Private Ryan, 



Loon lunch at the lake:

08/12/19 02:28 PM #9121    


Jack Mallory

Anybody on the forum that's looking for something to do Th evening, come on up to the Granite State! This is right across from a great Mexican restaurant; dine and demonstrate! Sorry, Donny, we know you "love HIspanics," but no Taco Bowls on their menu. 

08/12/19 03:31 PM #9122    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Ha! Cloud clowns? 

08/12/19 03:33 PM #9123    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Geezer giggles: 

08/12/19 10:02 PM #9124    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Now, Trump is going after legal immigrants...Love, Joanie


08/12/19 10:06 PM #9125    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Trump Administration is gutting the endangered species act. Jack has probably taken a lot of pictures of them. Love, Joanie


08/13/19 01:59 PM #9126    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Thanks for taking time to read and share those two articles, Joanie.  I am always grateful to try and show another slant on the issues you find compelling. The first article about Trump's "attack" on legal immigrants, I have to wonder how Americans will feel when they see that, not only does this move help curb the throngs of caravans moving through Mexico, but will also lighten their tax burden. Seems like a win-win. Do you think most Americans want immigrants to cross into our country only to immediately go onto the welfare rolls? Perhaps you could illuminate which regulations you are for and which you are against without regard to Mr. Trump.

As for the second article: I don't think it's a bad idea, where economic gains and conservation benefits are vying factors, for experts and appropriate representatives from both sides to work together on a case-by-case basis. Some administrations are for more sweeping regulations than others. Luckily, the pendulum swings most of the time. I see regulatory debates often on C-SPAN and they are civil and noteworthy. Most of the general public is not necessarily interested but, if you are, take a 'walk on the wild side' and have a look-see. When both sides are presented, backed with compelling data, it's sometimes difficult to know which side of the fence you fall. It's a balancing act. 

Jack: am flying into Manchester the weekend of October 18-20 for a wedding in Jackson. Any chance that's near you?

Friday of Labor Day weekend "Still Surfin' " (Beach Boys tribute) is performing at Bethany Beach's  boardwalk bandstand at 7pm. Free - bring a cooler & a beach chair. Trust me, it's a great time. 

Over and out...







08/13/19 02:44 PM #9127    


Jack Mallory

Nora, Jackson is two hours north of me; three-ish from Manchester. In October, on the weekend, call it four to five hours, especially coming south on 93, Sunday. It's prime leaf—peeping season, there are 3 million visitors in October. Make room reservations NOW!






08/13/19 03:09 PM #9128    


Jack Mallory





Real world.



Anybody surprised?

08/13/19 03:47 PM #9129    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

No surprise.  Until mandatory e-verify is enacted and enforced, people (including Trump) will not have to follow a non-existent law.

Hmm...I wonder if the French lady was spreading legal or illegal immigration propaganda. It makes a difference to some of us. 

Below is a pretty good opinion piece (in my view) from senior writers from The Family Research Council. It falls short in limiting reasons why cities like Baltimore are ailing but it still is good food for thought and indicates clearly why there is a dire need for united action without regard to election politics. This speaks more in depth about my assertion that the culture of Baltimore needs an abundance of attention and an overhaul.


Nobody goes to the playgrounds anymore. They're abandoned -- except for the gangs.  "You saw them selling drugs, right there," reporter Lawrence Jones said, fuming.  "Nobody came to break it up."  To the longtime residents of Baltimore, the changes have been staggering.  "I've lived here 58 years," one man explained, "and it was such an honor and pleasure to live here.  And what I see now -- sometimes I just drive through, and I'm almost in tears."  It may not be popular, but what the president said, one African-American woman told Lawrence, "it's true." Away from Twitter and the national limelight, their stories were all the same.  One after another, people admitted they were scared to raise a family in Baltimore -- even though it was home.  When President Trump was brutally honest about the nightmarish conditions of their city, most of the residents were just relieved someone finally cared enough to say something.  "I understand in many circles, they think the conservative message wouldn't be welcome here..." Jones said.  "But Baltimore has tried the liberal message for over 70 years in this town and it's been reckless to the people here. They don't care about the politics."  They want change.

Many Democrats, on the other hand, are seemingly uninterested in change.  They took the public spat between the WH and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) as another opportunity to stand in front of the cameras and call the president a racist.  Apparently, that's the card the Left wants to play.  Any time the president challenges the status quo in these urban settings, he's prejudiced.  But sometimes, As Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said on "Washington Watch", that's just a distraction from the real issue -- and those distractions are what's keeping us from addressing America's most devastating problems:

"...the Left game plan it to try to holler racism so much that they're able to cultivate black votes..but, long term for our country, the racial division that this stokes, is horrific.  What we need to do is quit talking about skin pigmentation -- because quite frankly, that is in no way, shape, or form a measure of a person's character, what they're going to do with themselves, or how successful they're going to be with themselves.  And the more the Dems use race as an excuse, the more people who are of different skin pigmentation start thinking, 'I cannot succeed, no matter how hard I work because of racism.'  And that's wrong. We need to be inspiring people to work hard to overcome whatever hurdles are in front of them, so that they can be prosperous and enjoy America like so many hundreds of millions have enjoyed America."

The game plan should not be to shut down any form of discussion or debate -- which, if it's done civilly, could move us forward as a country.  But when you throw out labels, you're doing great damage to America.  Racial division, we should all know by now, does no one any good.  In the end, all it does is keep people trapped in a toxic environment that's hurting generations of Americans.  Because at its heart, this isn't a racial issue.  This is a family issue.  And the problem isn't the presence of rats in Baltimore -- it's the absence of fathers.

Back in 2012, the US Censue Bureau found that about 26% of American kids were living without a dad in the home.  In Baltimore, among African-American children, that rate was 69%.  And, it's closer to 89% now. It's intergenerational in most of our inner-cities where there are three, four generations of out-of-wedlock births -- where the boys and girls growing up don't know what marriage is because they've never experienced it.  And, of course, that comes with all sorts of deficitis in their growing up.  So the probability of things going wrong, not only is high for them, but it gets higher for their kids and so on."

It doesn't matter what anyone's income levels are.  If your parents split, statistics show that you're going to bear the burden probably throughout your life. And the further down you go to the income levels, the worse the effects. Without a doubt, that is the root cause of Baltimore's collapse -- and so many others.

So how do we fix this?  What do we do about an epidemic of fatherlessness? Faith and family tend to go hand in glove.  So, in order to correct this, you would need a massive infusion of love, of dedication to helping people get back on track.  Government can tweak things at the edge -- but government cannot tackle this.  There has to be a commitment to helping people make better choices -- the kind of decisions that can change their circumstances and lead them down a better path.  In the end, it's not throwing money at the situation, it's walking alongside them.  And who better to do that than the church? 

Comments welcome.




08/13/19 04:01 PM #9130    


Jack Mallory

“Illegal Immigration Propaganda”

(Originally titled THE NEW COLOSSUS)


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

‘Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!’ cries she
With silent lips. ‘Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!’”

Emma Lazarus


08/13/19 04:22 PM #9131    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

All I have to say about cutting assistance to these legal immigrants who are paying into the system, taxes, etc. is have a heart...here is an article by Eugene Robinson about this cruel move by Trump and Steven Miller. Love, Joanie


08/13/19 04:28 PM #9132    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

As for weakening and even gutting the endangered specials act, one wonders, can't we live on this planet without pushing all the beautiful wildlife out. I'm all for protecting them. Here is an article about that: Love, Joanie


08/13/19 07:13 PM #9133    


Jerry Morgan

I've said enough about these topics that i know I will never convince the one person on this forum that needs to be convinced that her wrong hateful words laced/fueled by Trump lies and racist bigotry does real worldly damage. So I will just say ditto. I won't let her words of hate worm their way into the positive Worldwide vibrations that will be emanating from the shores of Maui and the performances of an ensemble of Worldwide artists for the next two days. Each day headlined by our own part time resident world famous musician Paul Simon. You are all invited to come and sit on my driveway and listen all night long for two nights of love this world with nothing but a hopeful message.

08/13/19 07:32 PM #9134    


Jack Mallory

Thanks for the invite, Jerry, but I have to be in Manchester on Th to welcome Bone Spurs. I have two messages, one affixed to each side of my sign:


















08/13/19 07:44 PM #9135    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Thanks Jerry....Its hard to believe that anyone would not realize by now that Trump is a racist. Its useless to point out all the things he has said like Mexicans are rapists, immigrants  are vermin and infestors, both sides, (including the white supremicists chanting Jews will not replace us), have fine people...Oh, I just pointed it out again. Sorry. Love, Joanie

08/13/19 09:26 PM #9136    


Jack Mallory

Tired of worrying and talking endlessly about Trump, Epstein, immigration, impeachment, who was supposed to stop and pick up the milk, whatever? Grab some perspective—it's just not going to matter in the long run.


“. . . a dozen centimeters of muck seems an optimistic goal for civilization.”


08/14/19 07:21 AM #9137    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

thanks Jack for that article. It is very sobering. We could be known for the things we caused to go extinct, etc.....its a powerful piece...thanks. Love, Joanie

08/14/19 07:52 AM #9138    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Ah, another ‘hate Trump ‘ rally. How cool is THAT? 

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