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08/14/19 05:13 PM #9148    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

Nori, you state: Until mandatory e-verify is enacted and enforced, people (including Trump) will not have to follow a non-existent law.

There is a law, nothing non-existent about it, and Trump should have to follow it along with everyone:

US Code Title 8 Section 1324a. Unlawful employment of aliens. 

You can read more here: https://www.justice.gov/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1908-unlawful-employment-aliens-criminal-penalties

Funny how Trump only has the illegal (and quite a few legal) immigrants swept up in raids, but makes no attempt to round up the people who hire the immigrants. Just like prostitutes being arrested and letting the johns go free. Not American law enforcement at its best or most fair.

08/14/19 06:10 PM #9149    


Jack Mallory

Good on you, Helen. Another Norifact exposed as BS. I suspected as much, because, as usual, it came with no evidence. But you did the work—thanks!  

Revised messages for the Trump welcome tomorrow. Yeah, I know—I’m not the guy you want to hire to do your signage. It looks better from a distance!

08/14/19 08:37 PM #9150    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Trump lies when he blames immigrants for being a drain on welfare rolls...Here is the info:


Love, Joanie

08/14/19 09:21 PM #9151    


Jack Mallory

There you liberals go again with all those FACTS! First Helen, now Joanie: facts, facts, facts! We don' need no stinkin' facts; we know what to believe because Fox News TELLS us what to believe! Criminal immigrants, millions of illegal voters, Mexico paying for the wall, no collusion/no obstruction! 

And tomorrow the Prevaricator in Chief comes to Manchester—be interesting to hear exactly which exaggerations, obfuscations, and outright lies he serves up to the gullibles. 

08/15/19 12:16 PM #9152    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

I LOVE to be fact checked! Candidly, i’m hoping beyond hope you are correct that E-Verify is mandated Federal Law. But alas, it might not be. I find many differing statements online to the contrary. After browsing several sources I just went on Wikipedia to see if they could define & discuss it in more succinct detail, only to see under their “Operations” heading: “...though all employers must complete Form I-9...participation in E-Verify is voluntary for most employers.” Since your link, Helen, never mentioned it was mandatory, I am going to believe that it it still not mandatory (like Abortion stats). Too hot a political issue? Sad & probable. In May it was my understanding that the Trump’s Budget Proposal cited mandatory E-Verify to become Federal Law since it was, at that time, mandatory in a few states only. Do share please if/when someone can clarify. 

Though overall, immigrants are less likely to consume welfare benefits, 63% of non-citizen households access welfare. Immigrant use is 43% higher than non-immigrant. Though Joanie’s article is a year old & much has occurred in that year, to tighten the rules on who accesses welfare, legal or not, does not sound like a bad idea for American taxpayers - the rules being WHO is qualified & for how long. Whether we agree or not, strong comprehensive immigration reform is what both sides agree is needed so why not see what constitutionally works & what doesn’t? Welfare qualifications should surely be part of the equation, particularly since the extremely high levels of welfare use among immigrants is largely due to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. And we know how long ago that was! I say, let’s at least bring attention to it. Should we move toward more merit based immigration or not? 

08/15/19 01:14 PM #9153    


Jack Mallory

The issue is not the mandatory status of e-verify. As Helen said, and as is clear in the statute, 



Title 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(A) makes it unlawful for any person or other entity to hire, recruit, or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien, as defined in subsection 1324a(h)(3).”

Knowingly hiring an ”unauthorized alien” is “unlawful.” The WaPo article cited by Vanity Fair makes it clear that the Trump organization does exactly that. Obeying the law is mandatory, except when exceptions are made for the rich and powerful. 

immigrants are less likely to consume welfare benefits, 63% of non-citizen households access welfare. Immigrant use is 43% higher than non-immigrant.“

This makes no sense, and without a citation it's impossible to go to the source and try and it figure out.

08/15/19 02:57 PM #9154    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

If E-verify is mandatory, why would Trump be stumping for it? Is it another immigration law, which as been on the books for years, and is now just being enforced? It's still confusing to me. I, too, wonder why so many sites and sources are saying it's mandatory in some states and not in others. 

To read how welfare and immigration statistics are horribly scattered and unclear, read National Review's Jason Richwine's May 15, 2019 piece, "Obfuscating the Immigration Welfare Debate" dated May 15, 2019. (I could not figure out how to post a link, even after consulting our own Steve Cutler. Am open to assistance.) To pluck a few lines from it: "...cash assistance, food stamps, medicaid, are free programs for the poor. Social Security and medicare are not means-tested and generally require recipients to pay into the system beforehand.  Lumping contributing entitlements and means-tested benefits is incredibly misleading in a group comparison."

Meanwhile, addressing my previous figures, here is an opinion page from "40 Years FAIR" (fairus.com) dated July of this year on "Immigration and Welfare:"

"Despite being known as the Land of Opportunity, every year more and more immigrants -- both legal and illegal -- end up on public assistance.  Even though they are prohibited from accessing certain entitlement programs, welfare dependency among the foreign-born is higher than among native-born Americans.  This is problematic because it further strains our social safety net, the purpose of which is to offer assistance to American citizens.  Allowing non-citizens to access welfare benefits is irresponsible and an unfair burden on taxpayers which should be ended.  The solution to this growing problem is to first more strictly enforce "public charge" (see fairus.org) laws. Further solutions should include moving toward a merit-based  immigration system and pursuing a goal of overall reduction of current immigration levels. 


The immigrants currently being admitted into the US are less skilled and less educated than the native population, which means they are more likely to inhabit lower income brackets and require public assistance.  In 2017, the share of foreign-born individuals (14.5%) and non-citizens (18.6%) living below the poverty line is much higher than the share of native-born Americans living in poverty - 11.9%, according to US Census Bureau data. Given their higher poverty rates, it is unsurprising that data shows immigrants are more dependent on welfare programs than native-born Americans.  In 2014, almost two thirds (63%) of households headed by a non-citizen took advantage of at least one welfare program, compared to just 35% among native-headed households.  Furthermore, the high welfare usage rate for the households headed by the foreign-born increases to 70% among those living in the US for 10 years or moe.  There is also some anecdotal evidence of foreign-born individuals collecting welfare while simultaneously retaining assets in their countries of origin.  


The extremely high levels of welfare use among immigrants can be largely attributed to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.  The goal of the legislation was to diversify the immigration flow into the country.  The post-1965 immigration system- which remains in place today - is heavily skewed towards family-base immigration (aka "chain migration") at the expense of skills and education.  The US has long had public charge laws (fairus.org) to ensure that new immigrants are not a burden on society.  In 1996, the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) barred illegal aliens from welfare programs that receive federal funds. It also rendered immigrants ineligible for mean-tested federal benefits for 5 years after admission to the US. In response to complaints from pro-alien groups that the public charge rules were "draconian" and "anti-immigrant", the Clinton administration back peddled, redefining "public charge" to allow both legal and illegal aliens to collect most types of welfare benefits without penalty.  The Obama administration further broadened the Clinton-era guidelines, making even more benefits available to foreigners who never paid into our social safety net.  Illegal immigration further aggravates the problem. While illegal aliens are technically prohibited from receiving most means-tested federal welfare benefits by law, 26 states - that is more than half - currently offer benefits to individuals who are in the US unlawfully.  Moreover, illegal aliens also collect welfare on behalf of their US-born children, who, based on a flawed interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment (("birthright citizenship"), are automatically counted as US citizens.  They are also entitled to free public education.  Overall, illegal immigrants cost American taxpayers $116 billion annually, which included the costs of welfare benefits they collect.  


To tackle the problem of immigrant welfare dependencey, President Trump signed a memorandum that will finally enforce a 23 year old provision requiring sponsors of legal immigrants to reimburse the government for any social services the immigrant uses in the US.  This step in the right direction came in the wake of the administration's publication of a proposed public charge rule in late September 2018, which clearly defined a long-standing law aiming to ensure that new immigrants do not become burdens on American society.  In addition, we must reform our immigration system so that it is based on merit rather than (often distant) family connections.  Doing so will ensure that arriving immigrants can be successful and self-sufficient, because they will possess the job skills necessary to participate fully in the US economy.  It is also important to bring our immigration levels from the over one million annually that we currently recieve to a more sustainable 300,000 per year.  Finally we must secure our borders and reduct illegal immigration."

(While I do not necessarily agree with some of the more subjective conclusions put forth in the above piece, I search for a clear & full picture of what is going on.  This forum pumps out information from a few sources (mostly WashPo and NYT), which are worthwhile, I feel a balanced debate should offer differing viewpoints. Thus it's worth reading, in our quest to be educated, issue-savvy voters.) 

Lastly, for a scary look at the power of Google, etal., to affect our elections, log onto C-SPAN.org/video (or youtube.com) and type in "Ted Cruz Questions Google Executive" in the search bar. (Thanks, Steve!) All of us should be appalled. Share thoughts.





08/15/19 02:58 PM #9155    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

08/15/19 08:04 PM #9156    


Jack Mallory

Only a year short of 50 years since my first demonstration (1969, post Kent State/Cambodia invasion). Today I was called a “Commie” by a Trumpster! Really, a Commie! He must have had the same script-writer Trump has! In my very brief interaction with him he told me that anyone who advocated Trump's removal from office, even through Constitutional means, was a Commie. Where do they find these people?

Me and other Commie vets, welcoming Trump. One of these guys had never been to a demonstration before, but Trump brought him out. A good sign!

08/15/19 08:38 PM #9157    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jack, nice to see you in the crowd. You have a good sign too. Keep up the resistance. Love, Joanie

08/15/19 09:30 PM #9158    


Stephen Cutler

     Chevy Chase Elementary School ("Rosemary")
Class of 1958 and everyone who would have been

I received the following email today from Jim McConaughy...

"Dear Stephen, I recently received this message from Terye Huriaux Van Sanford regarding our Shirley Hughes Reese.

“I just received a telephone call from my friend of 68 years, Shirley Hughes Reese in Sacramento. She had surgery 2 weeks ago for brain cancer gleo-glastoma. She is putting her life in perspective as she decides whether to have chemo and radiation treatments. We did not speak long, as 5 minutes on the telephone was extremely tiring. She has family with her. I am sure she would appreciate hearing from her friends. Shirley uses Facebook.”

Given Terye's comment about talking on the phone, and also a few others' difficulty in getting through via phone, I think she might appreciate most a card, email or message.  Her address is:

Shirley Hughes Reese

2231 Catalina Drive 

Sacramento, California 95864.    

Her email is shreese@hotmail.com

Shirley was the first one to sign up on the website. She played a major role in helping to find others in our Rosemary class and in creating and editing the yearbook. Shirley enthralled 600 Rosemary 3rd, 4th and 5th graders with her presentation at the school assembly during our first reunion five years ago. "I'm going to tell you three things: the first was my favorite teacher, the second was something I didn't like about school, and the third was really embarrassing." (They were spellbound.) Had it not been for what she posted on the BCC website in 2013 and 2014, I don’t think any of this Rosemary network would have ever happened. We owe her a lot of thanks. Please think of her and send her your prayers.

Hope you are well."


08/16/19 08:13 AM #9159    


Jack Mallory

A few other comments about yesterday, and pix. A very upbeat crowd, strangers talking to strangers—uncommon in the US, often!  Lots of gray hair, but younger folks also. Old-time protestors as well as my first time protestor buddy and fellow Med. Center volunteer—to my right, below. Career as a truck driver, son and grandson of immigrants (French Canadian, smuggled in under the catch in a herring boat, as the story goes), never thought about personal political participation before Trump. 

Much more diversity than the other crowd! Racial, LGBTQ, Music from a band —Grateful Dead couldn’t make it—creative signs. Couldn’t get a good picture, but backdrop to the crowd were three immigrant-run restaurants: Japanese, Vietnamese, and Mexican—love this country! Bought takeout at the latter before going home, of course. 



My favorite sign.

Another vet. A “Commie,” undoubtedly, like the rest of us, including another Mallory Commie, brother Mark. Mom and dad brought us up right. 

08/16/19 08:33 AM #9160    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

So very sorry to hear that Shirley is dealing with this. I enjoyed her thoughtful posts early-on and found them bright & passionate as well as thought provoking. Glad to know she is surrounded by love & thanks to Terye & Steve for sharing. Prayers start today for her peace & comfort. 

You are obviously in heaven there with your sign & new-found friends, Jack! The signs don’t seem to indicate anything about policy (well there is one air-rifle) but the loathing comes through loud & clear. Good for you to keep it going ever since you called for it on Inauguration Day! And today you can share the happy news that Trump’s approval ratings & the DOW Jones averages are dropping like stones! You da man! 



08/16/19 09:48 AM #9161    


Jack Mallory

If you don't see policy issues in the signs, you're deliberately not looking,  Nora. Besides references to gun control, I see a reference to the administration's policies of obstructing the Mueller investigation and welcoming Russian assistance in the elections, racist policies which would clearly be a reference to anti-Muslim, anti-Latino immigration restrictions, Trump's policy of repeated lying to the electorate, anti-petrochemical/green energy policy issues. Aren’t education and health care also policy issues? Take another look, you might find some I missed.

And that's only the issues visible in the signs I happened to photograph! Can’t deny the loathing, however. Nothing wrong with loathing policies or individuals responsible for them: I think back to demonstrations against very loathable George Wallace in 1964 (Helen Lambie and I all alone in a crowd of Wallace supporters in Glen Burnie), Kissinger and Nixon loathing during anti-war demonstrations (can’t go wrong loathing a war criminal!) 

08/16/19 10:49 AM #9162    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Well I DO think he’s beyond evil if he doesn’t even have a dog. Now you’re talkin’!


08/16/19 07:58 PM #9163    


Robert Hall

For you out-of-towners here is the Linden Oak where Rockville Pike meets Beach Drive right by the Beltway.  It is the largest white oak in Montgomery county, over 300 years old and about 100 feet tall.  It was a bit more impressive when we were students with more big, heavy branches, but these have been removed due to wind damage and to keep the tree healthy.  The Metro Red Line was shifted to the west to allow the county to save the tree.  In the autumn, during rush hour, you can see deer browsing acorns underneath while traffic waits for the traffic light and Metro trains roll through close by.

08/17/19 12:07 AM #9164    


Glen Hirose

Just got back from Belfast MA. Jane and I were there to celebrate out 50th. We went to indulge on this:

   Image result for belfast maine lobster Image result for belfast maine lobster Related image


But we also discovered this critter...    

   Image result for brown tail moth

Jack, do you know what this is? 

08/17/19 06:49 AM #9165    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Glen, Happy 50th Anniversary. I hope you had a good time in Maine. Sounds like you and Jane had good food. I am a food lover too and would have liked the lobster.  When Gerson and I were on our honeymoon, we had a lobster dinner and I loved it and he got sick...it was an odd fluke. Well, our 50th is in a few years. Love, Joanie

08/17/19 11:38 AM #9166    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Though I haven't been in that specific area in ages, Robert, I once lived in North Chevy Chase and remember Beach Drive being a very wet (often flooded) area. Could that have been related to the enormity of that mighty oak? It's gorgeous. Alas, it's rare to see majestic trees in this part of DE.

Below is an interesting email I received recently. It's hard to encapsulate how much times have changed until you stop to realize it. And these are just some of the ways. See what you think:


One evening a grandson was talking to his grandmother about current events.  The grandson asked his grandmother what she thought about the shootings at schools, the computer age, and just things in general.  The grandmother replied, "Well, let me think a minute. I was born before television, penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, Xerox, contact lenses, frisbees and 'the pill'. There were no credit cards, laser beams or ball-point pens.  Man had not yet invented pantyhose, air conditioners, dishwashers, clothes dryers and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air and man hadn't yet walked on the moon. Your grandfather and I got married first and then lived together.  Just about every family had a father and a mother.  Until I was 25, I called every man older than me, "sir" and after I turned 25, I still called policemen and every man with a title, "sir'.  We were before gay-rights, computer dating, dual careers, daycare centers and group therapy.  Our lives were governed by the Ten Commandments, good judgment and common sense. We were taught to know the difference between right and wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions.  Serving your country was a privilege; living in this country was a bigger privilege.  We thought fast food was what people ate during Lent. Having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousins.  Draft dodgers were those who closed front doors as the evening breeze began.  Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and weekends -- not purchasing condominiums. We never heard of FM radios, tape decks, CD's, electric typewriters, yogurt or guys wearing earrings.  We listened to Big Bands, Jack Benny and presidential speeches on our radios.  If you saw anything with "Made in Japan" on it, it was junk.  The term "making out" referred to how you did on your school exam.  Pizza Hut, McDonald's and instant coffee were unheard of.  We had 5&10-cent (5 & dime) stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents.  Ice-cream cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all bought for a nickel.  And if you didn't want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough stamps to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.  You could buy a new Ford Coupe for $600, but who could afford one? Too bad, because gas was 11 cents a gallon.  In my day "grass" was mowed, "coke" was a cold drink, "pot" was something your mom used to cook in and "rock music" was your grandmother's lullaby.  "Aids" were helpers in the Principal's office, "chip" meant a piece of wood, "hardware" was found in a hardware store and "software" wasn't even a word.  We were the last generation to actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.  We volunteered to protect our precious country.  No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation gap. How old to do think I am? Read on to see -- pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at the same time.  Are you ready?  This woman would only need to be 67 years old. She would have been born in late 1952. Gives you something to think about, doesn't it?

08/17/19 12:36 PM #9167    


Glen Hirose

Thanks Joanie,

We went to Young's (the one in the photos). 1 ½ lb. lobster dinner with the works; $19.00! But instead we took our own fix’ns: chips, potato salad, beer, etc., and just ordered the lobsters.

   Image result for young's lobster belfast  Image result for young's lobster belfast  Image result for rollie's belfast maine

Oh yes, had to visit Rolllies too...



08/17/19 02:53 PM #9168    


Nora Skinker (Morton)


Yummm....gotta love those quahogs as much as the lobstah!!! Sweet!! 


08/17/19 06:34 PM #9169    


Glen Hirose


   Yup Nori,

   If there was ever any good reasons to risk an attack of gout those 3 items were it...




    And then of course there was:

     Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoorImage may contain: food and indoorImage may contain: foodImage may contain: dessert and food

    Image may contain: foodImage may contain: foodImage may contain: dessert and foodImage may contain: pizza and food


08/17/19 08:13 PM #9170    


Jack Mallory

8Happy 50th, Glen!


Gramma's always been a kind of sour old bat, hasn't she? She does come across as old and confused; has she been evaluated for depression and/or dementia? She's lived through an era of enormous improvements in the quality of people's lives in the US and elsewhere in the world. Doesn't she understand that she and the rest of the world have experienced far less violence than her parents, grandparents, and generations before? Has she no idea that all over the world people are wealthier, healthier, better nourished, and more likely to live in democracies than ever in history? Does she really not understand that we now have an all-volunteer military?

Her litany of complaints doesn't tell us whether she participated in the movements to improve the status and conditions of women, African Americans and sexual minorities in this country, all of which have had major succcess during her lifetime. Did she not notice Americans rising up to challenge and eventually terminate a brutal and unjust war? Did she noticed the election of the first African American President? Hello, gramma?



What's scary and sad is that gramma and those like her are oblivious to the progress than human beings have made during their own lives, much less in the centuries before. Tell her to get her Rip Van Wrinkled old head out of her aged ass and find out what's really going on the world. Read a little Steven Pinker and quit pissing and moaning about gay rights, yogurt, or the cost of mailing a letter. If she must bitch, tell her to read some of the garbage her President tweets to the world. Cofveve!


A day on the water: a young heron, and the biggest, oldest, mossiest painted slider I've ever seen.


I do understand the desire to snooze in the sun, however.

08/18/19 06:06 AM #9171    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Down, boy. Deep breaths. Granny wasn’t bemoaning anything at all. Just listing things. For all we know from her litany, she could have been thrilled with gay rights & yogurt. (Sorry, Glen. To even mention the “Y word” after your sumptuous display smacks of insensitivity. Btw, 50!! Hats off to you & Jane. What has been your secret...besides the divine culinary pleasures of each & every day?)

Maybe this will bring a smile to the more sour sports among us:

08/18/19 07:26 AM #9172    


Jack Mallory

Another lie from Trump, specifcally a lie designed to create mistrust in the democratic process. Why would a president elected with help from Putin want to discredit our electoral system?


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