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11/20/20 07:08 PM #14042    


Jack Mallory

What a hoot. Don't feel bad, Forum fake news propagaters, you're not the only gullibles around.

Failure to fact check bamboozles a right-wing talk-radio host who posts fake news which then gets re-posted by President Fake News himself! What goes around comes around.



11/20/20 07:10 PM #14043    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Trump is hurting the country a lot by casting doubt on a free and fair election. Love, joanie

11/20/20 08:53 PM #14044    


Jack Mallory

Pretending to root out imaginary voter fraud in order to divert attention from one's own incompetence, delegitimize the real winner, and remain in office against the will of the voters is a despicable attack on democracy. 


"Lies have a long half-life, and Mr. Trump’s misinformation campaign will undermine the democratic legitimacy of the Biden administration. About half of all Republicans surveyed by a new Reuters/Ipsos poll said they believed that Mr. Trump had rightfully won the election. A poll from Monmouth University released Wednesday found that 77 percent of Mr. Trump’s supporters believe Mr. Biden won through fraud. . . .

"Mr. Trump already has persuaded millions of people to disregard the dangers of the coronavirus and has made refusing to wear masks a point of pride for his supporters. Imagine what will happen when more Americans share his contempt for democracy." 


But I'm sure he has his reasons.


11/21/20 01:43 AM #14045    


Stephen Hatchett

I *am* a Chieftains fan, Jack!

11/21/20 06:54 AM #14046    


Jack Mallory

Well, Stephen, all good people . . . I'm sure you like my link to Dark as a Dungeon as apropos for Trump's departure. 


Thinking about how relieved I am not to be teaching these days. Partly because, having just been in on a classroom-sized Zoom call, I have a feel for how difficult that would be as a teaching format. But especially because it would be so hard to teach American government. How would I talk about democracy, about voting, as a meaningful and essential form of governance while our Chief Executive makes a mockery of it? How would I inculcate in students a sense of pride and privilege as voters while Trump teaches that the system is open to manipulation to acquire and keep power regardless of the will of the people? 

I had students that came from countries where democracy was only a facade to disguise corrupt and power hungry oligarchs. How would I teach them that our system is different, that here there is a hope for real popular governance, as we watch Trump and McConnell and Giuliani and Barr work to keep power in the hands of the already rich and powerful? 

Many teenagers are open to the kind of cynicism that some adults are foolishly proud of. Cynicism is an attitude that many of us have to resist, to decide "not to go there," because we've seen humans at their worst and cynicism is the easy way out. A roll of the eyes, a shrug of the shoulders, "Oh, well, they're all like that" we say of politicians. "Might just as well have one that abuses power the way we want it abused," we think. Kids see that in their adults, they'll use it to justify their own childish beliefs.

God knows some politicians feed that cynicism--and benefit from it when we give up, let them abuse power. This is what Arendt and Orwell talk about when they describe the evolution of fascism and other forms of totalitarianism. It's why we, the adults in the room, have to resist that cynicism. All politicians are not TrumpMcConnellGiulianiBarr. And voters have to remind politicians that those who abuse power will lose it, even if they abuse it in ways that pander to our personal preferences. 

As I've said here before: you can choose to focus on the honorable, the honest, those who try to do the right thing, or choose cynicism, give up and let the others win. Some of us have seen far worse human behavior than what goes on in Washington. We choose to see the Hugh Thompsons, not the Rusty Calleys. 

Stepping off my soapbox. The kayaking off-season; all the more time for belittling and pontificating. Love the etymology of that word: as close to being Pope as I'm likely to get. 

11/21/20 09:33 AM #14047    


Glen Hirose



                       Finally if you feel guilt for eating pancakes you must be a Communist!           


11/21/20 10:15 AM #14048    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jack, such good points about the blatant assault on our democracy, with Trump pressuring electors to switch towards Trump, with the nothing lawsuits, where Trump lawyers have to admit under oath, they are not claiming fraud, with no peaceful transition, with firing Krebs and others trying to protect our democracy for saying the election was fair and just. Still, there are so many who believe the lies and even worse so many republican lawmakers who know Biden won but don't want to have their ruler mad at them for fear of retribution, so they choose Trump, an authoritarian, over being for American democracy. .Biden won and the longer this goes on, the more dangerous it becomes.

Glen, nice to see those pancakes. They look delicious. Love to all, joanie

11/21/20 08:50 PM #14049    


Jack Mallory

"In a scathing order, Judge Matthew W. Brann wrote that Mr. Trump’s campaign, which had asked him to effectively disenfranchise nearly seven million voters, should have come to court 'armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption' in its efforts to essentially nullify the results of Pennsylvania’s election.

"But instead, Judge Brann complained, the Trump campaign provided only 'strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations' that were 'unsupported by evidence.'

". . . Judge Brann rejected this argument, likening it to Frankenstein’s monster, which had been 'haphazardly stitched together.'"



​It's gotten to the point where this scarcely counts as news. Just another Trump attempt to disenfranchise American voters scoffed out of court. "Frankenstein's monster . . . haphazardly stitched together."

Good to see hizzoner having fun with his opinions, but Trump's attempts to falsely delegitimize the election aren't funny, they're disgraceful. 


11/22/20 06:49 AM #14050    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

From the 9/11 Commission:"

"The outgoing administration should provide the president-elect, as soon as possible after election day, with a classified, compartmented list that catalogs specific, operational threats to national security; major military or covert operations; and pending decisions on the possible use of force."

 From the Presidential Transition Act of 1963

“Any disruption occasioned by the transfer of the executive power could produce results detrimental to the safety and well-being of the United States and its people.” 



Why does any of this matter? The frenzy which DT is fomenting with his phony voter fraud accusations (19 failed to date) is to keep his supporters engaged. Maybe Nori can tell us how many lawsuits need to fail before we admit we've "gotten to the bottom of the fraud?" DT knows he has lost but he needs to keep the base furious and engaged and energized in order to keep donating to him which will fuel and keep his run in 2024 alive and fuel his wounded ego having become a loser whose election was stolen. The lawsuits keep his base, including Nori engaged. If it in turn helps the runoff in Georgia, Repubs are happy to play along. Keeping his supporters dangling like fish on the end of a line is the goal. But in turn, this is impacting the process of the transition and will most certainly negatively impact planning for vaccine distribution amid a surging pandemic.

“Cumulative U.S. covid infections leaped from 10 million to 11 million in just six days.” All you folks out there missing your Thanksgivings with families might like the vaccine to get to you before any more family members are stricken.  Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law Nori. Having had pneumonia myself, it took 3 months before I could walk more than around the living room.  Intubation is not fun.

But remember -  We're turning the corner


The rejection of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court was made so that the voter's choice could be heard in the next election.  No such voter's choice was needed for Amy Coney Barrett who was appointed while elections were already in progress. During the impeachment, Republican Senators said again and again - wait until the next election when the voter’s choice should be heard. Now the voters have made their choice of Biden. When will they be heard?


I keep hearing here and elsewhere of all the major promises DT kept, about how much wonderfulness he got done. He deregulated almost everything, that's true and that was all done by executive orders. I can't wait for Biden's executive orders getting rid of every one of them. But he got one and only one piece of legislation passed and that was his tax cut which benefitted mostly the wealthy. He had the full Senate and that's all he got passed. I'm fully aware that the likelihood is that Biden will get nothing passed either -thanks to Mitch. 


When did our Congress turn into nothing more than an extension of the Executive branch? Nothing and I mean NOTHING can be accomplished by anyone unless all three branches of government are held by the same party. That's not how it's supposed to work!


Here’s a scenario predicted by my husband. Some time in December or January, before the inauguration, DT announces he is officially running for 2024. A four-year political campaign begins complete with rallies galore and fundraising galore. He will declare “I was cheated out of reelection but I’m back!” His minions will go wild!  Everything, with the help of Mitch McConnell, will be done to make sure Biden cannot govern. 




11/22/20 07:09 AM #14051    


Jack Mallory

I think your husband is probably right, Joan. And then the $ donated for his specious attacks on the 2020 election can be rolled over into the 2024 campaign, bolstered by attacks on Biden's administration which will have had to struggle with obstructions created during the transition for just that purpose.


More antics of the Insane Clown Posse.

"Asked if he was being paid to testify in the case, Mr. Alcyone said he was uncertain 'Um, not that I know of, I haven’t discussed it,' he said.

“'But you may be?' Mr. Arellano asked.

"'It’s possible, I guess, I’m not sure,'Mr. Alcyone said." 


"Casting doubt on their credibility and knowledge of the electoral process, Judge Timothy M. Kenny noted that the witnesses had skipped an information session that may have answered many of the questions they raised.

"'Perhaps if plaintiffs’ election challenger affiants had attended the Oct. 29, 2020, walk-through of the TCF Center ballot-counting location, questions and concerns could have been answered in advance of Election Day,' he wrote. 'Regrettably, they did not and, therefore, plaintiffs’ affiants did not have a full understanding' of the absentee ballot tabulation process."


"THE COURT: In your petition, which is right before me — and I read it several times — you don’t claim that any electors or the Board of the County were guilty of fraud, correct? That’s correct?
"MR. GOLDSTEIN: Your honor, accusing people of fraud is a pretty big step. And it is rare that I call somebody a liar, and I am not calling the board of the D.N.C. or anybody else involved in this a liar. Everybody is coming to this with good faith. The D.N.C. is coming with good faith. We’re all just trying to get an election done. We think these were a mistake, but we think they are a fatal mistake, and these ballots ought not be counted.
"THE COURT: I understand. I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?
"MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no.
"THE COURT: Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?
"MR. GOLDSTEIN: To my knowledge at present, no." 

Not my clowns, not my circus.


11/22/20 07:54 AM #14052    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Thanks Jack and Joan for your posts. I think that the massive litigation against Trump on the state level might slow his rallies down and he could end up in a very secure residence as a result. Love joanie

11/22/20 02:58 PM #14053    


Glen Hirose


 We baked bread today. None of these are ours, but our intentions were noble enough...


11/22/20 03:13 PM #14054    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Glen, those breads look delicious especially with some butter. Thanks for posting them. Love joanie❤️

11/22/20 04:56 PM #14055    


Jerry Morgan

Just a few quickies.  The hair products company that Trump's little mole used better hope no one finds out who they are.  Will be out of business in a heart beat.  Guaranteed.

Nora December 25th is only a date.  July 25th is just as good and hopefully a lot safer.  

Some of you might know that I rank right up there with the most high risk at least in Hawaii yet I will probably be one of the last to get vaccine.  Not sure if Hawaii/Maui can even keep the vaccine cold enough.  Hell we can't even keep ice cream solid in the stores.

11/22/20 05:00 PM #14056    


Jerry Morgan

Trump won't be able to afford his rallies after Biden takes away his government checkbook.

11/22/20 05:08 PM #14057    


Jerry Morgan

As Bone Spurs is fond of saying.  Donald Trump YOU ARE FIRED.  GET OVER IT AND GET YOUR SHIT OUT OF THE PEOPLE.S HOUSE.


Last quickie for the time being...

11/22/20 07:27 PM #14058    


Jack Mallory

Jerry, here's hoping neither you nor any of us contract COVID. And if we do, hope our doc isn't that guy with his MD from Trump U. who who will tell us it will just go away as soon as we turn the corner. As we wait to be intubated we'll comfort ourselves with the reminder that we're a very, very small % of the population, so it's no big deal.

Hey, at least we got to vote before we died!

11/22/20 08:59 PM #14059    


Jack Mallory

Clown fight! 

"Ms. Powell, who stood with Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Ellis at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Thursday, was described as a member of the legal team’s 'elite strike force' as she laid out an elaborate conspiracy theory about efforts by the former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, to essentially rig elections in the United States by using voting machines made by Dominion.

"Appearing on the conservative network Newsmax on Saturday night, Ms. Powell further pushed the conspiracy theory, saying that two top Republicans in Georgia — Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — were taking payoffs as part of the scheme.

BUT, just 24 hours later . . . 


"Chris Christie, the Republican former governor of New Jersey and a Trump ally, said on ABC’s 'This Week' that the legal team had become a “national embarrassment.https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/11/22/us/joe-biden-trump?referringSource=articleShare

(emphasis added)

11/23/20 08:45 AM #14060    


Jack Mallory

I wonder what their plans for Thanksgiving are? With a turkey? No!



Boy, listen to the news and COVID projections for the holidays and you just want to go down in the basement and eat a PB&J by yourself! 


One of the families whose members willingly wear government-ordained cloth coverings; adjust their travel, social gatherings and attendance at significant family events to national needs; assume that shit happens and they just deal with it:


"One military family in San Antonio rarely does the same thing twice anyway and had some sensible advice for the rest of the country: “Over all, we really just adjust to where we are,” said Kate Mansell, whose husband serves in the Army." 


11/23/20 12:33 PM #14061    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

A large group of Republican National Security officials from past administrations have denounced what Trump is doing and they say it threatens National security. Too bad we don't hear from Republicans in the Senate and House much nor anyone of that party on the forum.  Love, Joanie


11/23/20 04:43 PM #14062    


Jack Mallory

Joanie, if the Devil were looking for a soul to buy, the Trumpublican Party has one for sale. Cheap. 

With a tip of the hat to a few exceptions, and perhaps others who are slooowly dragging themselves into the light of reality. 


11/23/20 06:41 PM #14063    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

GSA tells Biden that transition can formally begin...About F-ing time! So will Trump fire Emily Murphy for her disloyalty?

11/23/20 10:23 PM #14064    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Yes, Helen, I just heard the good news. After Trump lost 36 court cases, and States are certifying, this announcement is long in the coming. I too love seeing these highly competent civil servants being asked to be in the Biden Administration. What a relief that the delay has ended. Love, joanie

11/24/20 06:57 AM #14065    


Jack Mallory

If you've been wondering where whatshisname, you know, the guy with the hair, has been for the last few weeks, here's what we've seen him doing:

550 or so tweets, most lies about the elections, a few firing his own hand-picked staff. 8 days of golf.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, since Election Day almost half as many Americans died of COVID as died in the Vietnam War. Scarcely a word from the President on the spiking rates. Until today, coordination with the inevitably incoming administration about the pandemic? None. Not even a pretense of Presidential leadership.




But to close on a positive note--since some measure our well-being by stock market performance, look at how happy the S&P has been since Trump lost! Going up even faster than infection rates! 


11/24/20 11:55 AM #14066    


Marshall Deason

After binge watching Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man, Spiderman, and RED to get me through pandemic isolation, I had an epiphany.  Donald Trump is a Marvel super-hero. By the end of the movie or comic book, he will save the country, the world, the galaxy or the universe, overcoming incredible odds to defeat the nefarious forces aligned against him.  You just have to have faith.

When The Donald lies or says stupid things, like all Marvel super-heroes do, it just makes him more endearing.  Why shouldn’t President Trump be accorded the same level of respect as Rocket or Iron Man?

When Democrats say logical things, fact check, and cite authority to contradict Trump, it does not lessen him; it only shows that Democrats are cunning and diabolical enemies, just like other Marvel villains.  When Democrat scientists question Trump’s positions, you have to remember that science is no substitute for faith.  Besides, Democrat doctors and scientists are always talking about political issues like wearing masks and climate change; they ignore more important scientific issues like time travel, extraterrestrial visits to Earth, and zombies.

We all learned early that Superman stood for truth, justice, and the American way (also, he was faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound).  Isn’t that just like Donald Trump? (O.K.  I know Superman is DC Comics, not Marvel, but you understand what I mean).

Why are people skeptical when Trump’s lawyers say that Trump didn’t lose the election but was the victim of an evil conspiracy to sabotage voting machines led by the ghost of a long dead South American communist dictator?  That is no less plausible than any of the things that have happened to Spiderman in his adventures.

Trump is now in his Fortress of Solitude (when he is not playing golf), planning his next heroic act.  He will never concede, but he will have to wait for the sequel before he faces his next adversary.

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