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11/22/20 04:56 PM #14055    


Jerry Morgan

Just a few quickies.  The hair products company that Trump's little mole used better hope no one finds out who they are.  Will be out of business in a heart beat.  Guaranteed.

Nora December 25th is only a date.  July 25th is just as good and hopefully a lot safer.  

Some of you might know that I rank right up there with the most high risk at least in Hawaii yet I will probably be one of the last to get vaccine.  Not sure if Hawaii/Maui can even keep the vaccine cold enough.  Hell we can't even keep ice cream solid in the stores.

11/22/20 05:00 PM #14056    


Jerry Morgan

Trump won't be able to afford his rallies after Biden takes away his government checkbook.

11/22/20 05:08 PM #14057    


Jerry Morgan

As Bone Spurs is fond of saying.  Donald Trump YOU ARE FIRED.  GET OVER IT AND GET YOUR SHIT OUT OF THE PEOPLE.S HOUSE.


Last quickie for the time being...

11/22/20 07:27 PM #14058    


Jack Mallory

Jerry, here's hoping neither you nor any of us contract COVID. And if we do, hope our doc isn't that guy with his MD from Trump U. who who will tell us it will just go away as soon as we turn the corner. As we wait to be intubated we'll comfort ourselves with the reminder that we're a very, very small % of the population, so it's no big deal.

Hey, at least we got to vote before we died!

11/22/20 08:59 PM #14059    


Jack Mallory

Clown fight! 

"Ms. Powell, who stood with Mr. Giuliani and Ms. Ellis at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Thursday, was described as a member of the legal team’s 'elite strike force' as she laid out an elaborate conspiracy theory about efforts by the former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, to essentially rig elections in the United States by using voting machines made by Dominion.

"Appearing on the conservative network Newsmax on Saturday night, Ms. Powell further pushed the conspiracy theory, saying that two top Republicans in Georgia — Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — were taking payoffs as part of the scheme.

BUT, just 24 hours later . . . 


"Chris Christie, the Republican former governor of New Jersey and a Trump ally, said on ABC’s 'This Week' that the legal team had become a “national embarrassment.https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/11/22/us/joe-biden-trump?referringSource=articleShare

(emphasis added)

11/23/20 08:45 AM #14060    


Jack Mallory

I wonder what their plans for Thanksgiving are? With a turkey? No!



Boy, listen to the news and COVID projections for the holidays and you just want to go down in the basement and eat a PB&J by yourself! 


One of the families whose members willingly wear government-ordained cloth coverings; adjust their travel, social gatherings and attendance at significant family events to national needs; assume that shit happens and they just deal with it:


"One military family in San Antonio rarely does the same thing twice anyway and had some sensible advice for the rest of the country: “Over all, we really just adjust to where we are,” said Kate Mansell, whose husband serves in the Army." 


11/23/20 12:33 PM #14061    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

A large group of Republican National Security officials from past administrations have denounced what Trump is doing and they say it threatens National security. Too bad we don't hear from Republicans in the Senate and House much nor anyone of that party on the forum.  Love, Joanie


11/23/20 04:43 PM #14062    


Jack Mallory

Joanie, if the Devil were looking for a soul to buy, the Trumpublican Party has one for sale. Cheap. 

With a tip of the hat to a few exceptions, and perhaps others who are slooowly dragging themselves into the light of reality. 


11/23/20 06:41 PM #14063    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

GSA tells Biden that transition can formally begin...About F-ing time! So will Trump fire Emily Murphy for her disloyalty?

11/23/20 10:23 PM #14064    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Yes, Helen, I just heard the good news. After Trump lost 36 court cases, and States are certifying, this announcement is long in the coming. I too love seeing these highly competent civil servants being asked to be in the Biden Administration. What a relief that the delay has ended. Love, joanie

11/24/20 06:57 AM #14065    


Jack Mallory

If you've been wondering where whatshisname, you know, the guy with the hair, has been for the last few weeks, here's what we've seen him doing:

550 or so tweets, most lies about the elections, a few firing his own hand-picked staff. 8 days of golf.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, since Election Day almost half as many Americans died of COVID as died in the Vietnam War. Scarcely a word from the President on the spiking rates. Until today, coordination with the inevitably incoming administration about the pandemic? None. Not even a pretense of Presidential leadership.




But to close on a positive note--since some measure our well-being by stock market performance, look at how happy the S&P has been since Trump lost! Going up even faster than infection rates! 


11/24/20 11:55 AM #14066    


Marshall Deason

After binge watching Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man, Spiderman, and RED to get me through pandemic isolation, I had an epiphany.  Donald Trump is a Marvel super-hero. By the end of the movie or comic book, he will save the country, the world, the galaxy or the universe, overcoming incredible odds to defeat the nefarious forces aligned against him.  You just have to have faith.

When The Donald lies or says stupid things, like all Marvel super-heroes do, it just makes him more endearing.  Why shouldn’t President Trump be accorded the same level of respect as Rocket or Iron Man?

When Democrats say logical things, fact check, and cite authority to contradict Trump, it does not lessen him; it only shows that Democrats are cunning and diabolical enemies, just like other Marvel villains.  When Democrat scientists question Trump’s positions, you have to remember that science is no substitute for faith.  Besides, Democrat doctors and scientists are always talking about political issues like wearing masks and climate change; they ignore more important scientific issues like time travel, extraterrestrial visits to Earth, and zombies.

We all learned early that Superman stood for truth, justice, and the American way (also, he was faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound).  Isn’t that just like Donald Trump? (O.K.  I know Superman is DC Comics, not Marvel, but you understand what I mean).

Why are people skeptical when Trump’s lawyers say that Trump didn’t lose the election but was the victim of an evil conspiracy to sabotage voting machines led by the ghost of a long dead South American communist dictator?  That is no less plausible than any of the things that have happened to Spiderman in his adventures.

Trump is now in his Fortress of Solitude (when he is not playing golf), planning his next heroic act.  He will never concede, but he will have to wait for the sequel before he faces his next adversary.

11/24/20 02:34 PM #14067    


Jack Mallory

Thanks for the chuckle, Marshal. Always good therapy, especially these days. Bernie doesn't get the joke, but then he's never been known for his sense of humor. I appreciate his sentiments, too.



Grabbed this on today's walk. Shot from the hip, little camera, Red-Tail moving fast with a fish in tow. Not a great picture, but another reason to always have a camera!


And finally, a happy and healthy Thanksgiving to you all! Not a pandemic era, Donald Trump dinner table, clearly. Actually, 1869 by the illustrator Thomas Nast. Published in what is, still today, that left-wing socialist pinko rag, Harper's Magazine. 

11/24/20 02:34 PM #14068    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

Hey Marshall! Have you been hanging out with our classmate, Jenette Kahn (former President of DC Comics)??  I can't share your faith and under no conditions think Trump has ever stood for truth, justice and the American way. I know you are being facetious, but in reality I think our new President-elect Biden is the true superhero having defeated Trump. Something many of us dreamed about for the past four years.

11/24/20 04:23 PM #14069    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Hi friends, I just heard the cabinet picks Biden chose. It was so wonderful to see real experts in their field chosen. These are truly amazing public servants. It's a relief to know change is on the way with Biden and company. Love, joanie ❤️

11/25/20 06:15 AM #14070    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Joe Biden is finally permitted to read his first Presidential Daily Briefing, making this the first time in four years that anyone has read a Presidential Daily Briefing.


DT tells us that Thanksgiving is “a special day for turkeys.” Would the turkeys agree?


3% of Trump voters believe that Biden won legitimately. Wow. Maybe Nori can explain. 

Oooops, fake news. The real number is 30%. Still stunning. 


The election of Biden (and not Trump), his appointment of Janet Yellen to Treasury and the beginning (finally) of the transition cause the stock market to soar. Of course, DT takes credit. Remember when he said if Biden was elected the stock market would immediately crash? And that nobody would talk about coronavirus any more? 

11/25/20 09:43 AM #14071    


Glen Hirose



   Be safe... 

11/25/20 11:17 AM #14072    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Looks delicious Glen. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Love, joanie ❤️🦃🦃🦃

11/25/20 01:08 PM #14073    


Jack Mallory

Heads up. Biden's going to remind us what a President should look like. I know, something we haven't seen much of from the incumbent. 

No time given for the address. 

11/25/20 01:39 PM #14074    


Stephen Hatchett

You got it, Glen!   THAT is what a safe Thanksgiving looks like.  And that means safe for all kinds of other folks besides the two at this table.  How better to honor the spirit of this holiday than to look out for each other!



11/25/20 04:25 PM #14075    


Jay Shackford

Trump's pardon party begins with Michael Flynn. "A pardon a day keeps the turkeys away."  Trump really didn't say that, or did he? In any event, the Flynn pardon is one of many over the next couple of weeks.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  

11/25/20 04:46 PM #14076    


Helen Lambie (Goldstein)

11/25/20 05:58 PM #14077    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Thanks for that beautiful card Helen and sweet message. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. ❤️ I'm making all the basics for just me and my husband. Not the same without everyone but would still like to enjoy the food. I Liked Biden's message that we can be thankful that Democracy survived with so many voting and having their votes counted. Also, am sure he meant that more Americans chose a democratic way forward. Love jisnie

11/25/20 06:08 PM #14078    


Jack Mallory

A sincere and frank appeal to the American people, acknowledging the severity of the crisis and emphasizing the need for unity and sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to lie about "cheating," desperately deny his electoral loss, and ignore the 260,000 deaths that have occurred under his leadership. No calls for unity and sacrifice from the man who seems to have forgotten he's still President. Well, except for issuing pardons. He can't pardon himself from the condemnation of tens of millions of citizens, and history. 

I can certainly understand if some of his supporters here find themselves in embarrassed silence. 

"President-elect Joe Biden urged Americans on the eve of Thanksgiving to recommit to fighting the coronavirus, not one another, and to take it upon themselves to make decisions that can save lives.

"In a somber and at times pleading speech, Biden reflected on other times in history that Americans have suffered, on the pain felt by the families of the more than 260,000 people who have been killed by the virus, on the sacrifices many Americans are making by scaling back or canceling their holiday plans and on the additional deaths that will undoubtedly come in the months ahead.

"He urged Americans to take 'simple steps' like wearing a mask, limiting the size of gatherings and socially distancing from others.

"'This is the moment where we need to steel our spines,' Biden said from a stage in Wilmington, Del. 'Redouble our efforts and recommit ourselves to the fight'.

"He later added: 'Hang on. Don’t let yourself surrender to the fatigue, which I understand — it is real fatigue. I know we can and we will beat this virus. America is not going to lose this war. We’ll get our lives back. Life is going to return to normal, I promise you.'

"As Biden called on Americans to come together, President Trump spent the day tweeting a steady stream of grievances and baseless accusations, twice scream-tweeting: 'RIGGED ELECTION!' The president made no mention of the pandemic, which has killed more than 260,000 under his watch, offered no suggestions to Americans conflicted about how to celebrate Thanksgiving safely and publicly expressed no gratitude.

"'This election was lost by the Democrats,'Trump said, falsely. 'They cheated' . . . " https://apple.news/AZ_rCpkhURUy2yTtzERcdlw

11/25/20 06:40 PM #14079    


Jack Mallory




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