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01/10/20 10:33 AM #10367    


Jack Mallory

"Striking evil can never be wrong. Allowing it to grow, is. No? "

Striking evil in the wrong way, an unnecessary way, or a way that fails to effectively put an end to it, or that may even cause more and perhaps greater evil, is wrong.

I've walked past this Wall of Remembrance a half dozen times today, as I do every Wednesday and Friday.

I ask myself, did this put an end to evil? Was there another way? Did it cause more and greater evil? Do our leaders ask these questions? Do we?

And what about the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of others who don't appear on our Wall?

These are the same questions Jay raises.



01/10/20 11:14 AM #10368    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Nori the nuclear arms Iran deal was working. There was verification. I don't know why you say it wasn't working. Now they are going to enrich uranium. How is that better Nori? Love joanie

01/10/20 11:46 AM #10369    


Jay Shackford


During President Obama's final 33 months in office, 7.38 million U.S. jobs were created, according to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report published in the Dec. 4 edition of USA Today. During Trump's first 33 months, 6.25 million jobs were created.  According to my math, and Nori you can correct me if I'm wrong, President Obama is winning the jobs race by more than 1 million jobs.  In other words, Trump inherited a pretty good economy from his good buddy President Obama and has been piggybacking on it ever since.  

01/10/20 03:58 PM #10370    


Jack Mallory

Nora, I don't understand your infatuation with the word abortion, but there it is if it helps. Some of us have expressed our opinions in the past, I guess folks don't feel any need to re-hash the issue. But feel free if you need to. 


This, in an article on memory and aging by a neuroscientist, is intended to be reassuring:

"In the absence of brain disease, even the oldest older adults show little or no cognitive or memory decline beyond age 85 and 90, as shown in a 2018 study. Memory impairment is not inevitable."

I'm not reassured. Seems to me that the reason for this is that by 85 or 90 I will have forgotten everything, have nothing left to forget.

01/10/20 04:50 PM #10371    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jack, though I may not be a good one to evaluate another's memory, you seem very sharp to me so you probably won't forget everything. I am into alternative medicine and ginko biloba is recommended unless you are on blood thinner...I am taking it but I still walk into a room and wonder what I was planning to get or do in that room. I look for my glasses but they are already on my head. I look for my pocketbook but its over my shoulder...oh, no, this could affect whether my posts are taking seriously or not.....keep on exercising like you do Jack. that helps I think...you seem very active. Love, Joanie

01/10/20 06:06 PM #10372    


Jack Mallory

I'm dubious about alternative meds, Joanie, both for the lack of evidence that they work and their unknown and unregulated contents. Consumer Reports has done some studies of what's really in such meds, and it's often pretty random. But, at our age, what will probably do us the most damage is whatever we've ingested over the last 7 decades, not what we're taking in now! 

More than once most days at the VA I'll get a radio call directing me to pick up a patient in Urgent Care, take them to CT scan, for example. I'll get halfway down the hall and think, "Was that Urgent Care to CT scan or CT scan to Urgent Care?" But being around a lot of people my age is reassurance that it's a "normal" phenomenon, I'm no dottier than my peers!

What are we talking about? 

As you say, for all of us being active may be the best thing we can do for both body and mind, and is unlikely to do us any harm. Short of frostbite and falling on my ass on the ice, these days. 

I did get this in my email, but I don't think I want to take what President Cofveve Ten or Twelve Flushes takes.




01/10/20 06:26 PM #10373    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Golly Nori, you may need to brush up on your reading skills. I did say Soleimani was "a beloved military leader of a sovereign country". Would you disagree.? Was he detested by his fellow Iranians? If you had half as many people at your funeral, would you consider yourself beloved? Where in your reading did I say I thought he was a good guy? Please quote me on it. By the way what does Soleimani have to do with aborted babies. That distraction almost gave me whiplash.


My point which you clearly missed is there are lots of bad guys out there and my belief is that if we try to eliminate all of them from the face of the earth, we’ll be putting ourselves and our troops in a lot more danger while we try to make the would in our likeness. I thought DT didn’t want us to be the world’s policeman. As General Petraeus said, taking out Soleimani was a “monumental blunder.”  Attempting regime change by taking out the number two guy in Iran may sound like a good idea to DT and his minions, but in the long run it will drag us deeper and deeper into the chaos in the middle east. What about DT’s promise to bring home the troops? He just keeps sending more. What about his promise to end the endless wars? Instead he takes a big step to start a new one. This man is reckless, impulsive and uninformed, 3 scary things to have in the White House.


Funny that you say DT is not afraid. Excuse me but I think he’s scared shitless!  He backed from the brink when he was told he was about to start World War III with his impulsive assassination. He hates confrontation and is basically a coward. Always has his minions do his firings or announces them on Twitter like he did with Bolton. And this is not over with Iran. There is more to come now that DT tore up the nuclear deal which was working very well. I’m very amused that you’ve swallowed the Koolaid DT is dispensing and think saber rattling shows strength. I think it shows us the weak frightened man DT is who is in way over his clueless head.


Very well said post Jay!

01/10/20 06:30 PM #10374    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Jack, years ago I went to a nutritional medicine doctor named Alan Gaby. He wrote a book not long ago called Nutritional Medicine with a lot of research and solid evidence that some of the gentler treatments work better then drugs...but please forgive me for commenting. Everyone should find their own path to good health and I think you are so right that diet is huge so I agree....here though is an interesting article by this doctor who was once an advisor at NIH for natural treatments. Love, Joanie


01/10/20 07:42 PM #10375    


Jack Mallory

Thanks for the link, Joanie. I'm just a crabby old skeptic: I don't go to .com web sites for medical advice, and when the site misspells the doctor's own book title (The Patient’s Book of National Healing?) my Spidey senses tingle.

Here's an issue that may be age related. Am I confused, or are the intelligence agents IMPOTUS tells us are to be believed about Suleimani's plans the same ones that the same IMPOTUS told us were Deep Staters, fake news leakers, ought to go back to school, wrong about Russian interference, wrong about Ukrainian interference, and act like Nazis? Nora, any ideas?

Does anyone understand why he now relies on these sources, and expects us to believe them and him?

Am I just old and stupid, or does he just hope we're all old and stupid?


01/10/20 08:00 PM #10376    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

About what happens with Iran, we don't know what we don't know & all is speculation so we'll have to wait & see. The mainstream keeps saying we are in a state of war from this drone attack. We are NOT at war. We are exercising deterrence. Deterrence against the killing of our Americans, attacks on our embassies, & 
a disturbing uptick in Iranian aggression. Whatever happened to "politics should stop at the water's edge"? Our country's divisions have more potential for distruction than Iran's military might. I won't argue the treaty thing because it's moot. I won't argue whether a dead leader was or wasn't 'beloved' because we don't know. No doubt Iranians hated him & probably many loved him but when people live under an oppressive regime we can't really know the numbers. I do not believe this move was made for regime change. It was made to hopefully bring Iran to thoughts of moving forward through diplomacy & negotiation rather than killing. They now know they cannot depend on this president to do nothing. So, now we wait & see. 
Am absolutely amazed that Joan believes Trump hates confrontation. I, on the other hand, say he abhors a vacuum & THRIVES on confrontation! No president I've seen in my lifetime likes to 'stir a pot' like this one. Talk about whiplash. 
I know of nothing more powerful than our genetics to dictate our health. Let me know what works & whether it's been FDA approved. As for what we CAN do for ourselves: EXERCISE!!! A minimum of 2 miles a day. My doctor told me that the worst thing we can do to brain function is lose sleep. At least 7 hours a night is imperative. That's about all I got to add to the discussion. Oh, a good sense of humor is helpful too. 
Ah, abortion. When people talk about the ways our country has declined in moral fabric, whether it's criticizing illegal immigration, sending air strikes, droning terrorists & where the criticusm is accompanied by reminders of the extent of human destruction that each bears, it is odd to me that no reminders of devastating human destruction accompanies discussions or even references to unrestricted abortion. I know you all well enough to know you care deeply about human life, dignity & wrong-doing. If your values for life are so strong on so many other human tragedies, why not the one that represents the most reprehensible human tragedy of all going on today right here in our country? IOW, Jack can describe with disdain what happens to the body of a roadside bomber if he is droned to dissuade more bombings but is not seemingly appalled that severed, bloodied body parts of precious babies are being strewn atop birthing tables every minute of every day right here for no good reason. How can that be? 
Well, you asked for it. 


01/10/20 09:21 PM #10377    


Jack Mallory

An article about striking at evil with evil consequences, and the foolishness in thinking that fighting evil with high explosives is good.




Nora, I've explained my position on abortion here in the past. It hasn't changed. 

01/11/20 06:10 AM #10378    


Jack Mallory


Thanks to The New Yorker. 


Interesting insight into IMPOTUS's decision-making process:

"Mr. Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate, associates said." https://www.wsj.com/articles/trumps-new-national-security-team-made-fast-work-of-iran-strike-11578619195

01/11/20 07:21 AM #10379    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Which tells me you're happy with the way things are today where Abortion is concerned. Good for you, kind sir. 
The single most important thing to remember when it comes to your health: 

01/11/20 08:38 AM #10380    


Jack Mallory

Putting words in my mouth AGAIN, Nora. I meant what I said, not what you want me to have meant. 


For anyone who might have trouble getting through the paywall to the WSJ article I cited earlier, here is a link to a Business Insider summary with the same info. Neither the WSJ nor Business Insider is a particularly left-wing, Socialist rag.


01/11/20 09:08 AM #10381    


Nora Skinker (Morton)

Oh, you WEREN'T happy with the way things are today regarding the Abortion issue, Jack? I am so sorry. My age-old memory must be failing. Feel free to clarify where you aren't happy because I was assuming that someone like you, who treasures human life so deeply, would have trouble with accepting that due to inconvenience, millions of babies are being murdered each year & the statistics are not mandatory to know how many more of these murders are taking place. Usually folks don't want to talk about it so I'm thrilled you will! 
Was relieved that the Iranians finally admitted they blew that passenger plane out of the sky, killing 176 innocent folks. Thank God for cell phones! Without them, Trump would have forever been blamed. But, then, I guess some will find a way to do so. 
After reading your latest link, Jack. I am trying to think of any new revelation in it. Aren't ALL presidents influenced by politics when they make ALL decisions? Or is it just that we don't know about it? 

01/11/20 10:05 AM #10382    


Joanie Bender (Grosfeld)

Nori, I know you are very worried when Trump gets blamed for anything but even though the Iranians missile took out the Ukranian plane, it is most likely an accident as they were trying re: the American base not to have casualties so I doubt they just decided to take out the Ukrainian plane. ...the plane accident Nori would most likely not have happened if Trump hadn't escalated things in the region . As for the abortion issue, it is a very personal issue and there are many women who have had heartbreaking situations, rapes, or danger to their health or a baby who is not going to be viable, or other personal reasons where they need to discuss this if they want to with their family or doctor or religious leader. Many of us do not want the government deciding this. Love, Joanie

01/11/20 10:22 AM #10383    


Glen Hirose

I like Vrana's smile; yea put him in the "Power Play Line-up".  

Image result for Cap's vrana  Image result for Cap's vrana


01/11/20 10:52 AM #10384    


Jack Mallory

If your age-old memory fails you, Nora, I'm sure the post is still there, electronically engraved in the virtual record. Look it up, see what I said. I'm not doing more homework for you.

It took the Iranians just about the same length of time to express their regret for the accidental destruction of the Ukrainian flight as it took President Reagan to extend his regrets for shooting down Iran Air 655 in 1988, killing 290 innocent people. Reagan defended the judgement of the commander who ordered the attack on the airliner, and he was awarded a Legion of Merit--something the Iranians remember.(https://www.nytimes.com/1988/07/04/world/downing-flight-655-us-downs-iran-airliner-mistaken-for-f-14-290-reported-dead.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share)

International tensions plus high explosives often result in the deaths of innocents. The responsibilities lie with the powers creating those tensions, of course. 

01/11/20 02:31 PM #10385    


Joan Ruggles (Young)

Nori, you must be delighted! Abortion is now at a lower rate than it was before it became legal. Seems like really good news to me. 


01/11/20 04:14 PM #10386    


Jack Mallory

"Aren't ALL presidents influenced by politics when they make ALL decisions?"

Probably. But not all Presidents or other politicians put our foreign policy and security at risk in order to advance personal political advantages, as this one seems to have done in Ukraine and now, perhaps, in the Middle East. Certainly looking like a pattern, which is exactly why he merits removal from office.

Nixon was clearly influenced by politics when he made the decision to secretly interfere in the Vietnam peace talks to gain advantage in the 1968 elections. There is no way of knowing how many Vietnamese and American lives this may have cost. This will go down in history as one of the most despicable acts ever committed by an American  politician--unless Trump beats  him out.


Thanks for posting those data again, Joan. The best way to reduce abortions is to provide education and reproductive health care for women, not to put the government in the doctor's office. While the data are probably under-reports, the rate of decline is not. Lots of data and graphics here: 



01/11/20 04:19 PM #10387    


Robert Hall

FWIW Shields and Brooks were spot on last night on PBS with their commentary on the events of this past week. Anyone else see them?

01/11/20 05:22 PM #10388    


Jack Mallory

I just took a look at the transcript, Robert. I was a bit put off by Brooks, whose opinions I usually respect, describing WWII and Vietnam as "moments of war" alternating with "moments of peace."

WWII for much of the world was six years long. The Korean War, five years later, another three. Vietnam, ten years later, another ten years of war. From 1939 to 1973, almost twenty years of war--scarcely "moments." 

I wondered if Brooks was getting old and dotty, but he's considerably younger than we are!


Reflections on ice:

01/11/20 05:48 PM #10389    


Robert Hall

Jack, if you get the chance watch them on youtube.com or PBS on demand. I also noted your point when watching Brooks, but his wider points resonated with me--especially our country's challenges dealing with terrorists. Unless Trump is convicted and removed by the senate we've got his lazy incompetence for another year

01/11/20 06:29 PM #10390    


Jack Mallory

Lazy incompetence is what the guy who plows my street demonstrates when he shows up hours after the snow has stopped and pushes the snow I've shoveled back over my driveway! Trump is a present danger to the nation and world and, especially in his anti-scientific disregard for climate change, a danger long into the future. 

But otherwise, have a happy 2020!😉


When Psychology Today is one of the best sources of media critical analysis, much of the rest of the media needs to do some introspection.



01/12/20 10:54 AM #10391    


Glen Hirose


   You aren't still shoveling snow are you? Maybe a Swiss ArmyTransport is the answer...

    Image result for swiss 4WD truckImage result for swiss 4WD truck

                                                              Optional tracks sold seperately.

    Who needs a driveway when you have on of these?

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